Thank yo
Thank you for this.But my faith has weakened.Please pray for meI am so very sorry for what you are going through and have gone through, it breaks my heart. God see's everything that is going on in this world and with everybody, the only thing He asks is that you know his Son Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, than to spread the news of that to everyone you know. Jesus came here to die a horrible death for our sin's, he was crucified, shed His precious blood to wash away all our sin's - past, present and future, than He died, He was buried and on the third day He rose again. The thing is..... that no-one can be SAVED unless that BELIEVE in all that Jesus did and His FINISHED work on the cross. He PAID for all of our sin's, but you have to ask Him into your heart and have FAITH in what He did for us. If you ask Him into your heart and repent of your sin's (we are all sinner's), He will come into your heart and forgive your sin's. But it is very important to do that and once you do, He will hear your prayer's. I want to encourage you to read the KING JAMES BIBLE, its the best way to know about Jesus and what He did for all mankind, He loves everyone and He does not want not even one to perish.
I also want to encourage you with a scripture that is in the bible, but it is only pertains to those that are BELIEVER'S in Christ and are SAVED, the scripture is this:
(1 Thessalonians 4:14-18 -
14 For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. 15 For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. 16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17 then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words).
Now I want to explain to you what this scripture in the King James Bible is saying - First let me start by giving you meaning's to the word's that are used:
1. Those that are ASLEEP is referring to the Believer's in Christ that have passed away or died already, but they were SAVED before they died and had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, they had FAITH in His FINISHED work on the cross and His precious BLOOD that washed away the sin's of those that BELIEVED in Him.
2. The word CAUGHT UP is an English reference to the Latin word RAPIO, which means "CARRIED AWAY" or to "SEIZE" or "SNATCH AWAY". In other words, it means to be CARRIED AWAY IN SPIRIT OR IN BODY. The translation to RAPIO is RAPTURE in our English language.
So, the reason I am telling you about this scripture in the bible is because this SUPERNATURAL EVENT will take place with ALL of those that are SAVED BELIEVER'S IN JESUS CHRIST very, very soon. How do I know this?........ Because I study bible PROPHECY and the bible is 1/4 prophetic. Which mean's the times that we are in right now, is called the CHURCH AGE, which according to bible prophecy is coming to an end, it will end when the above scripture happen's, when Jesus Christ our LORD, comes to take all the BELIEVER'S those SAVED to Heaven with Him. This is a SUPERNATURAL EVENT that ONLY our SUPERNATURAL GOD can do. Those that will be LEFT BEHIND, will be those that will have to go through a (7 year TRIBULATION also known as God's WRATH), for all those who refused to know His Son Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. That is why it is important to know Him now, that is also why I sent you ROBERT BREAKER'S video's on HOW TO BE SAVED. This SuperNatural event is imminent (meaning it can happen at any moment). That is why Jesus says in the above scripture, COMFORT ONE ANOTHER WITH THESE WORDS.
In the book of REVELATION in the KING JAMES BIBLE, God is warning us of the coming TRIBULATION and His WRATH. He also tells us the future of what is to come (Because He's God and He knows the END from the BEGINNING). Studying bible prophecy and Revelation you will know that the TRIBULATION is almost upon us, bible prophecy is coming to life almost daily now. That is why there is no time to spare, we need to get everyone we know SAVED now, so that they can escape what is coming on the whole world.
You know how evil this world is getting because it sound's like you have been through alot, I will post Robert Breaker's - HOW TO BE SAVED again below, please listen to it, it is our only ESCAPE from the 7 years of hell coming on this earth. Jesus wants everyone to come with Him to heaven, please get SAVED now and your Son too.
Please try not to worry about things that you are going through, just keep this HOPE that Jesus has given us in your heart and mind and He will give you the peace that surpasses all understanding and He will comfort your heart.
Hang on He is COMING SOON ! God Bless You & Your Son !
HOW TO BE SAVED - click on the link below