John 15:7 NIV
If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.

Dear God,
Thank you for your great love and blessing over our lives. Thank you that your favor has no end, but it lasts for our entire lifetime. Forgive us for sometimes forgetting that you are intimately acquainted with all of our ways, that you know what concerns us, and you cover us as with a shield. We ask that we would walk in your blessing and goodness today. That your face would shine on us. That you would open the right doors for our lives and for our loved ones, that you would close the wrong doors and protect us from those we need to walk away from. Establish the work of our hands and bring to fulfillment all that you have given us to do in these days. We pray that you would make our way purposeful and our footsteps firm out of your goodness and love. Give us a heart of wisdom to hear your voice, and make us strong by your huge favor and grace.
In Jesus' Name,

We are children of the King. He is Sovereign and He reigns Supreme, giving favor, guidance, and blessings to all those who seek after Him.
Amen!!! I appreciate this beautiful pray and receive it.
Amen!!! I appreciate this beautiful pray and receive it.
Stay strong.. My mom had to go through the same thing as you but she could go through it all and her kids are all wonderfully blessed. I pray that you get all the strength and blessings that you need. God bless..
I’m praying for your heart to heal. I’m praying for God to touch you. I’m praying for God’s touch over your life. Amen
After 20 years of marriage and 5 children later, my husband walked away from our marriage in January and moved in with another woman in March. I believed God waa going to restore our marriage, but now we are preparing for an actual divorce to be filed. I've lost all hope and I'm confused. I'm spiritually wounded as a result of this. How can a man that supposedly save do this? He's having the time of his life living this adulterous lifestyle and I'm struggling to move on with a peace of mind. I am torn, broken, confused, loss and emotional distraught. I thought God would help me. Although, I know God won't force the will of my husband. I want to be ok with that, instead my mind wonders and I feel lonely and empty inside. My life has changed drastically. I don't want my husband anymore since he's happy where he is. I just want who God's will is for me to be with. Please be in agreement with me that God will open doors of opportunity for me. I need to move on. I'm tired of suffering and fighting this battle. I can't fight any longer. I don't want to. I want peace. Ive stood on the promises of God, even fasted & prayed but my breakthrough seems so far out of reach. I need some relief from God. I need healing in my heart, mind and spirit. My family is broken. The devil sought out to divide our family because we prayed, fasted, took communion often and went to church. Because we were honoring God's word by training up our child in the way they should go. The devil successfully divided this family. God is bigger and more powerful than the devil yet it seems like God just let the enemy have his way with our family. I wish I could go somewhere far away and start all over as if this was never my life. Where do I begin to go from here?... I trusted God, I held on to the faith and maybe that's why it hurt so bad.
God remains God irrespective of what comes out way. Remember also there is no temptation that God allows unless he knows you can overcome
After 20 years of marriage and 5 children later, my husband walked away from our marriage in January and moved in with another woman in March. I believed God waa going to restore our marriage, but now we are preparing for an actual divorce to be filed. I've lost all hope and I'm confused. I'm spiritually wounded as a result of this. How can a man that supposedly save do this? He's having the time of his life living this adulterous lifestyle and I'm struggling to move on with a peace of mind. I am torn, broken, confused, loss and emotional distraught. I thought God would help me. Although, I know God won't force the will of my husband. I want to be ok with that, instead my mind wonders and I feel lonely and empty inside. My life has changed drastically. I don't want my husband anymore since he's happy where he is. I just want who God's will is for me to be with. Please be in agreement with me that God will open doors of opportunity for me. I need to move on. I'm tired of suffering and fighting this battle. I can't fight any longer. I don't want to. I want peace. Ive stood on the promises of God, even fasted & prayed but my breakthrough seems so far out of reach. I need some relief from God. I need healing in my heart, mind and spirit. My family is broken. The devil sought out to divide our family because we prayed, fasted, took communion often and went to church. Because we were honoring God's word by training up our child in the way they should go. The devil successfully divided this family. God is bigger and more powerful than the devil yet it seems like God just let the enemy have his way with our family. I wish I could go somewhere far away and start all over as if this was never my life. Where do I begin to go from here?... I trusted God, I held on to the faith and maybe that's why it hurt so bad.
I think it is a spiritual battle. We and you need to battle with the spiritual weapons.
Não veio sobre vós tentação, senão humana; mas fiel é Deus, que vos não deixará tentar acima do que podeis; antes, com a tentação acima também o escape, para que a possais chamados "1 Coríntios 10:13. Esperança Finalmente é onde encontrei esperança para o meu casamento…. Encontrei esperança, paz e tantso testemunhos de casamentos sem esperança restaurados após a infidelidade e traição e até mesmo divórcio. Não desista ou deixe isso consumir você. Em nome de Jesus !!!

Que o Pai Celestial, venha derramar sobre você e sua família dobrada do Espírito Santo, que a força do Altíssimo venha ser o teu sustento, pois castelo forte é o nosso Deus, e o Ele nada é impossível.
Não desista do Amor, não desista de amar, tal como o Cirineu, Cristo vai te ajudar,

"Não temas, porque eu sou contigo; não te assombres, porque eu sou teu Deus; eu te fortaleço, e te ajudo, e te sustento com a destra da minha justiça.
Eis que, envergonhados e confundidos serão todos os que se indignaram contra ti; tornar-se-ão em nada, e os que contenderem contigo, perecerão.
Buscá-los-ás, porém não os acharás; os que pelejarem contigo, tornar-se-ão em nada, e como coisa que não é nada, os que guerrearem contigo.
Porque eu, o Senhor teu Deus, te tomo pela tua mão direita; e te digo: Não temas, eu te ajudo.
Não temas, tu verme de Jacó, povozinho de Israel; eu te ajudo, diz o Senhor, e o teu redentor é o Santo de Israel.
Eis que farei de ti um trilho novo, que tem dentes agudos; os montes trilharás e moerás; e os outeiros tornarás como a pragana.
Tu os padejarás e o vento os levará, e o redemoinho os espalhará; mas tu te alegrarás no Senhor e te gloriarás no Santo de Israel.
Os aflitos e necessitados buscam águas, e não há, e a sua língua se seca de sede; eu o Senhor os ouvirei, eu, o Deus de Israel não os desampararei.
Abrirei rios em lugares altos, e fontes no meio dos vales; tornarei o deserto em lagos de águas, e a terra seca em mananciais de água.
Plantarei no deserto o cedro, a acácia, e a murta, e a oliveira; porei no ermo juntamente com a faia, o pinheiro e o álamo.
Para que todos vejam, e saibam, e considerem, e bem entendam que a mão do Senhor fez isto, e o Santo de Israel o crioulo.
Apresentai a vossa demanda, diz o Senhor; trazei as vossas firmes razões, diz o Rei de Jacó.

Isaías 41: 10-21
After 20 years of marriage and 5 children later, my husband walked away from our marriage in January and moved in with another woman in March. I believed God waa going to restore our marriage, but now we are preparing for an actual divorce to be filed. I've lost all hope and I'm confused. I'm spiritually wounded as a result of this. How can a man that supposedly save do this? He's having the time of his life living this adulterous lifestyle and I'm struggling to move on with a peace of mind. I am torn, broken, confused, loss and emotional distraught. I thought God would help me. Although, I know God won't force the will of my husband. I want to be ok with that, instead my mind wonders and I feel lonely and empty inside. My life has changed drastically. I don't want my husband anymore since he's happy where he is. I just want who God's will is for me to be with. Please be in agreement with me that God will open doors of opportunity for me. I need to move on. I'm tired of suffering and fighting this battle. I can't fight any longer. I don't want to. I want peace. Ive stood on the promises of God, even fasted & prayed but my breakthrough seems so far out of reach. I need some relief from God. I need healing in my heart, mind and spirit. My family is broken. The devil sought out to divide our family because we prayed, fasted, took communion often and went to church. Because we were honoring God's word by training up our child in the way they should go. The devil successfully divided this family. God is bigger and more powerful than the devil yet it seems like God just let the enemy have his way with our family. I wish I could go somewhere far away and start all over as if this was never my life. Where do I begin to go from here?... I trusted God, I held on to the faith and maybe that's why it hurt so bad.
Father, don't let him do this, cause if he does, he will regret it. Let his heart be changed and let him declare he loves his wife as Christ loves the church, in Jesus name. Amen
After 20 years of marriage and 5 children later, my husband walked away from our marriage in January and moved in with another woman in March. I believed God waa going to restore our marriage, but now we are preparing for an actual divorce to be filed. I've lost all hope and I'm confused. I'm spiritually wounded as a result of this. How can a man that supposedly save do this? He's having the time of his life living this adulterous lifestyle and I'm struggling to move on with a peace of mind. I am torn, broken, confused, loss and emotional distraught. I thought God would help me. Although, I know God won't force the will of my husband. I want to be ok with that, instead my mind wonders and I feel lonely and empty inside. My life has changed drastically. I don't want my husband anymore since he's happy where he is. I just want who God's will is for me to be with. Please be in agreement with me that God will open doors of opportunity for me. I need to move on. I'm tired of suffering and fighting this battle. I can't fight any longer. I don't want to. I want peace. Ive stood on the promises of God, even fasted & prayed but my breakthrough seems so far out of reach. I need some relief from God. I need healing in my heart, mind and spirit. My family is broken. The devil sought out to divide our family because we prayed, fasted, took communion often and went to church. Because we were honoring God's word by training up our child in the way they should go. The devil successfully divided this family. God is bigger and more powerful than the devil yet it seems like God just let the enemy have his way with our family. I wish I could go somewhere far away and start all over as if this was never my life. Where do I begin to go from here?... I trusted God, I held on to the faith and maybe that's why it hurt so bad.
Truly this is a testing time for you and your family. Prayed for you to overcome this with His grace. Peace to you.🙏

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