Open your heart today, open your home for Jesus to come in, open your mind and soul to receive the blessings that comes from heaven. Jesus says to all of us....
I stand at the door and knock, if any man hears My voice and opens the door, I will come to him and will sup with him and he with...
All Gods dear children will experience wonderful things when we enter into the holy presence of Jesus. It may be through a heavenly song sung by the choir, or reading of Scripture, preaching with the power of the Holy Spirit or a providential encounter with someone who is full of the presence...
Jesus want us all to live a holy and pure life before Him and before others. Your actions speak louder than your words. When our eyes and heart are set on the Lord, wonderful things comes to our own soul.
Blessed are the pure in heart... says the Lord.
Let us all get a new heart this New...
Let us all open our hearts and minds and proclaim the glory of the Lord for the wonderful things He did in our life and will do in the future.
Proclaim the glory of the Lord.
Let every tongue confess His reign.
Lift up His name and confess His name.
Yes. I will do this forever and ever. Amen
Wonderful things Jesus did for us and for His own people who love Him so much, hearing Him speak with authority and in truth. People realized that...
We are standing on holy ground.
And that we know that there are angels all around.
Let us praise Jesus Christ.
We are standing in His presence...
For the Lord our God is a wonderful Savior and Lord and He is the One who sent us here to earth and He will call us home to heaven anytime soon. If we lay down in a grave before His arrival, our graves will opened and we shall rise up and fly away to be with the Lord.
As we lift our voice to...
We must run to the arms of Jesus, for protection and kindness comes from the Lord. I must prepare my furnace, the heat should be coming soon; I hope my electric bill not not so be so high this year.
A voice like a heavenly call coming to my ears.
The silent melody of falling fresh snow...
And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord,
—Luke 1:46 (KJV)
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
While Mary's submission to God's will costs her in ways we can never imagine, for Jesus to come to life in the hearts of people today our attitude must be the same as her attitude was on this night of...
country: reserved
great things
holy bible new international version
holy name
holy spirit
international bible society
luke 1 46 kjv thoughts
majestic father
zondervan publishing house
Lord I pray my son Anthony moves out of my home sooner than later. I pray he goes off to live his life independently, peacefully and successfully. I pray he learns to put you front and center in his life and that he seeks you for wisdom and solutions in all situations. Lord I need relief from...
country: united states
end trust
faithful people
great believing
heavenly father
holy spirit amen
new surroundings
perfect peace
precious son
To come to the holy of God the Father is to exalt His holy name above all things. Placing our deep faith in Him alone and make sure that we are walking in the way of holiness with a pure heart. So, we can exalt the Lord in so many ways.
A. Living a holy and pure life.
B. Raising our voice to...
This really is a wonderful walk with the One who loves you with an everlasting love and cares for you.
On my bike..
All alone with Jesus.
I telling Him.
I love You Lord.
I will forever follow You.
I want to live where you live.
I want to be with You forever.
If we walk in the light as He is...
Whenever we get blessings from God we should go on our knees and worship His holy name. Worship and praise is a gift given back to the Lord for all those wonderful things He did for us.
Holy Spirit Thou art welcome in this place, omnipotent Father of mercy and grace, Thou are welcome in this...
On thing that I have been struck in this life is to hear people who lost their jobs talking like there is a natural disaster like a hurricane coming so hard and taking the roof out from their heads, or an eathquake brining my house down. Getting fired or getting pink slilp is natures way of...
May the blessings of the Lord and healing power fall on everyone who need it today. Jesus healed lepers, gave sight the blind and the lame walked. Jesus can do wonderful things to those who love His name and are following Him all the way to heaven. Hear us o Lord we pray. Amen
Jesus has done wonderful things for us today and will forever in heaven. He saved us, helped us, healed us and He is leading our way to heaven. Let us all praise and glorify His holy name now and forever more.
If anyone asked me why I love the Lord.
Well, I just want to say.
I was tired of...
I was just considering which scripture to share, in exaltation of the Lord this morning, when this one popped up on my Bible app. (I love how He does that)
O LORD, Thou art my God; I will exalt Thee, I will praise Thy name; for Thou hast done wonderful things; Thy...
Jesus came and rescue me from the depths of dispair and sorrow. My parents are dead, all my friends are gone and all relatives live their own life away from me. I was left all alone in this world of sin and evil. Who will be my best friend now? Who will take care of me? My husband run...
Because He saved us from going to hells burning fire.
Forever and ever sinners will burn in Ghehennah
No one will be able to save them.
Just as the Bible tell us.
No one can go to hell when they are in heaven.
Jesus opened the gates of glory.
For us to enter in.
Stay away from sin and evil...
It could be at home, in church, in the street, at the airport, at the bus station. Where would Jesus meet us and tell us His will for our life?
This is the place where you should come and meet Me..
Says the Lord.
I am everywhere waiting for you to open your heart.
Says the Lord.
I will be...
Lord, you are the reason for all the wonderful things in my life and I thank you for all of them. Prayers for my family that my mom has renewed patience for my father and he has more self control with his emotions and finds a hobby to do. Please let her find a hobby of her own as well. Prayers...