When Jesus touch our bodies and our soul, wonderful things happens to all of us. Blessings upon blessings fall on our life. Keep calling on the Lord and He will come to You.
He is the Savior of my soul and I love Him with all of my heart today and will forever.
Wherever we are, whatever we are doing, let us all separate time to bless the Lord for those wonderful things He is doing for us and doing for others.
You are so gentle o Lord.
So pure and so kind.
You shine like bright morning star.
Jesus, what a wonder You are.
Let us all work for the...
O Lord, thou art my God; I will exalt thee, I will praise thy name; for thou hast done wonderful things; thy counsels of old are faithfulness and truth.
—Isaiah 25:1 (KJV)
Thoughts on Today's Verse...
While there are many things for which we can praise God, one of the most significant is his...
country: reserved
eternal future
excellent creative redemptive
holy bible new international version
international bible society
isaiah 25 1 kjv thoughts
many things
marvelous thingswonderfulthings
zondervan publishing house
When we feel a heavenly touch from God wonderful things happens in our life. We cry aloud, we call on the Lord and start singing praises to Jesus because He is so kind and good to all of us who seek His face during the day and during the night.
Glory to the Lamb.
For You are glorious,
When we count our blessings we find out how Jesus is working in our personal life and the life of those we have helped and prayed for. Continue to count your blessings, not your problems, let Jesus work on them and wonderful things will happen to us.
In everything give thanks, for this is the...
Please pray with me for a young one in need. Our most sovereign God knows all about this child and can help the young one. There will be a coronation of our King of Kings and Lord of Lords and every knee will bow and every tongue will confess He is Lord of all. Our God reigns. We love you...
Up and up and away for good. Jesus words will come to our own reality when we realize that those were all true to those who believe, trust and waits for the Lord, every day singing praises to His name and adoring Him for those wonderful things He has done.
Strapped on my seat through a cloud...
country: bolivia
earthly possessions
glory new garments
good words
holy name earth
new life
space joy peace happiness
summit peak
Our dear Lord has done wonderful things while on earth and many believe Him as Messiah and Savior of Israel because of what He did. Opening the eyes of the blind, no one can do this. Healing lepers and the lame walked. Raising the widows son and casting out devils from people who were...
Your faucet has sprung a leak was the voice of a neighbor downstairs. Call a plumber with good tools so he can fix this problem. I went on my knees and asked the Lord to lead me on to find the best plumber there is. I called my pastor and asked if he knew someone in church who is plumber and...
best persons
country: bolivia
good job pipe wrench adjustable wrench hacksaw tubing cutters
good tools
good works
important tools
kitchen sink
plastic pipe cutters
sealing tapes
That I excell at work going above and beyond !that There is a confirmation I am going in the
Right direction !!
That Great and wonderful things Happen
With Doc and myself ! To become one !!
Jehovah God please provide for me this day. Please open your heart and your hands for resources and income for me today so that I may carry on peacefully, joyfully and gratefully. I have paid my ties and offering and will do greater things in your name. Thank you Lord for all the wonderful...
This is Good Friday and i am grateful Jesus wake me up early in the morning to thank Him for the sacrifice He has done on Calvarys cross. Please fast and pray daily for all Christians specially in our church to be grateful and sing praises to God almighty for what sending His only Son, Jesus...
Please pray for a good day tomorrow I thank you for getting my husband the perfect job that is going to help me retire in the next few years I pray lord that you will continue to bless us financially in our forever home. I pray that you will bring us all together for a glorious Easter Day. I...
Jesus alone deserves all the glory, all the honor and all the praise. His word is true, He has given us promises that will never ever pass away. Those who believe and trust His word will receive blessings, help, healing and mercy. Please pray that I will be faithful and true to Jesus till He...
He has sent us here to earth to praise and glorify His holy name all the days of our life. So, let us all thank God for giving us another day to praise and glorify Him alone, becasue He alone is worthy of all praise.
I will praise the Lord who counsels me, even at night my heart instructs...
Witness of the presence of God in our life are so diverse and so different. The disciples felt the presence of God through the Holy Spirit of God filling their lives with power from heaven. Today God manifest His presence in different ways to different people. Some people will feel the...
Yes, Jesus touched my heart, my mind and my soul. I belong to Him and He belongs to me. Something beautiful happened to me when Jesus came to my heart. No more smoke, no more reading horoscopes, no more drinking and parties. No more yoga or anything that despleases the Lord. Holy is the Lord our...
Because we love Jesus with all our heart, mind and soul, and continue to sing praises to His name, angels from heaven comes down and join us in songs of praise to Him. Let us all continue to honor and adore His holy name. Yes, this is so true... and I know it by heart.
We are standing on...
O God, I am coming to You as sweet offering to Your holy name. I am nothing but Thou art my all in all. I surrender all to You. You have given to me so many blessings I was not able to contain and I am grateful. From now on, I will forever honor, praise and glorify Your holy name for all...
🙏🏽and pleading the blood of Jesus over all areas of my life, family and needs. I also pray for the homeless, hungry and every grieving soul.
Thank you Father God for another day, breathe, my senses, my mind, body, soul, health and spirit.
Thank you for your word today as it lifted my spirits...