My name is Tumpale Daniel from Tanzania. Please pray for my mom to be promoted. It has been more than 5 years since she last got promoted. Please pray for financial breakthrough in our family because I am studying in India and my mom has been struggling with paying tuition fees she has to borrow...
best student
country: tanzania
death marry
family good morning
financial breakthrough
golden certificate
hatred spirit
multiple part time jobs
online business
paying tuitionfees
spirit of hatred spirit of death
thank you for this prayer request site for the request prayers all granted or answered always.May i request again for prayers to my grandaughter eyes for correction of her eyes.For release faster of US working visa and so my husband could go back to work again.for our health always...
I don't know if this is the right platform to say this. But man of God I really really really really need your help. Am a Cavendish university student studying economics and I will be sent out of school due to financial challenges Please Al I want is for you to help me with tuition fees please...
cavendish university student
cavendish university student studying economics
country: zambia
financial challenges
right platform
university expenses
I don't know if this is the right place to say this but I really really really need your help man of God. Am a Cavendish university student studying economics and due to financial challenges I will be sent out of the university I really need your please. Help me pay my tuition fees and other...
cavendish university student
cavendish university student studying economics
country: zambia
financial challenges
other expenses
right place
I hve recently gone back to school for my law degree. Hvnt bn in school setup in a longtime I feel so overwhelmed and feel like I dnt hve the capacity. I’m praying for wisdom and knowledge and capacity also praying for God to raise a destiny help who will help me pay my tuition fees ...