tuition fees

  1. Mischa

    Losing Income + Tuition Fees Coverage

    I have to file an appeal today for a job test in which the answer to 2 questions are documented incorrect. I risk losing my job if it's not approved, and the training and tests improved. I keep being prevented from filing it. The appeal also needs to be reviewed by the right person. The ones who...
  2. Mischa

    Losing Income + Tuition Fees Coverage

    I have to file an appeal today for a job test in which the answer to 2 questions are documented incorrect. I risk losing my job if it's not approved, and the training and tests improved. I keep being prevented from filing it. The appeal also needs to be reviewed by the right person. The ones who...
  3. Mischa

    Losing Income + Tuition Fees Coverage

    I have to file an appeal today for a job test in which the answer to 2 questions are documented incorrect. I risk losing my job if it's not approved, and the training and tests improved. I keep being prevented from filing it. The appeal also needs to be reviewed by the right person. The ones who...
  4. Mischa

    Losing Income + Tuition Fees Coverage

    I have just been informed that I will lose my student grant for the tuition fees for no fault of mine. I'm a straight A student but there are no scholarships of achievements where I study. I don't have any more money or opportunities left. My 8 weeks old kittens have become sick. I'm exposed...
  5. Mischa

    Losing Student Grant

    I have just been informed that I will lose my student grant for the tuition fees for no fault of mine. I'm a straight A student but there are no scholarships of achievements where I study. I don't have any more money or opportunities left. My 8 weeks old kittens have become sick. I'm exposed...
  6. Mischa

    Exams, Job, Study, Justice, Health

    I have 3 exams today, Wednesday, and Friday, and need a certain grade level to keep my study. I also need to file an application today for permission to study in my country of residence next year. I have to file an appeal today for a job test in which the answer to 2 questions are documented...
  7. Mischa

    Job, Study, Justice, Health

    I have 3 exams Wednesday and Friday, and need a certain grade level to keep my study. I have to file an appeal today for a job test in which the answer to 2 questions are documented incorrect. I risk losing my job if it's not approved, and the training and tests improved. It's practically...
  8. Mischa

    Job, Study, Justice, Health

    My 7 weeks old kittens have become very sick. I'm exposed violent and financial crime by influential criminals since years, and seem to have been poisoned again. I'm as sick as the kittens, and there are signs of break in. My loved ones were murdered, so I have no one. I'm on the verge of...
  9. Kynixon

    Understanding the knowledge of the truth , ...

    Understanding the knowledge of the truth , break through and tuition fees
  10. Mischa

    Job, Study, Justice, Help!

    I'm exposed violent and financial crime by influential criminals since years. My loved ones were murdered, so I have no one. I'm on the verge of losing my study and job, as I have countless times before since the crimes started. This time, I just don't have any more money or opportunities left...
  11. Mischa

    Job, Study, Urgent

    I'm on the verge of losing my study and job for no fault of mine, related to being exposed to crime by influential criminals through years. On top of that, I have the following challenges: I'll lose my job if I don't pass 2 tests. The first test had 2 documented incorrect answers. You can only...
  12. Mischa

    Urgent - Losing Job and Study

    I'll lose my job if I don't pass 2 tests. The first test had 2 documented incorrect answers. You can only get one wrong. If you appeal the result, you get retaliation from the trainers. If you don't, you lose the job if the problem is the same with the next tests. It's hopeless to get a job at...
  13. Styloxos

    Divine Financial Provision

    I need divine provision to pay the tuition fees of my kids. Amen.
  14. Mischa

    Urgent - Losing Job and Study

    I'll lose my job if I don't pass 2 tests. The first test had 2 documented incorrect answers. You can only get one wrong. If you appeal the result, you get retaliation from the trainers. If you don't, you lose the job if the problem is the same with the next tests. It's hopeless to get a job at...
  15. Kolapheryx

    Fellow Believers, I want you to please ...

    Fellow Believers, I want you to please join me in Prayer as I'm solely depending on Christ Jesus for the tuition fees of my 5 kids. School 🏫 fees have skyrocketed and I am expected to pay around 600 usd for each of them. I'm not working but they have to go to school 🏫 and I can only depend on...
  16. Chrematatheke


    Dear Gods people..may you please include me in your prayers so that I can get some money to pay Tuition that I can continue with my Education..
  17. Bardamor

    Financial Assistant on my Law School. I am ...

    Financial Assistant on my Law School. I am very constrain I need God's provision for my law school fee. God done greatest for me during my LLB Programme, where my tuition fees was paid by only Him alone. I am requesting for same divine visitation. (In Jesus Name).
  18. Styloxos

    Tuitio fees for my kids

    Asking God Almighty to provide for me the tuition fees for my kids college education. It's becoming impossible for me to shoulder. I'm putting my cares on him.
  19. Jessey Mwanza

    God help me to settle my sons ...

    God help me to settle my sons tuition fees
  20. Jessey Mwanza

    Help me lord to settle my sons ...

    Help me lord to settle my sons tuition fees
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