Please pray west Kent health trust compensates Galina for an unknown dr.illegally registering her without her knowledge,to enable a stalker to harrass her
Please pray Andy refuses to support Dr George and accepts he’s a pervert,a stalker and not fit for practice,please pray I get a formal apology from the trust for giving a stranger my file,not checking him out and then letting him interfere with my treatment. I had never heard of him.
My dad put me at risk so please pray Anne removes all support from him and he can’t continue to affect any of my life. He encouraged a stalker,because they promised him money.
Please pray all protection is removed from the stalker who is pretending he’s my psychiatrist,Dr.G Please pray Scottish police prosecute him for malign fake missing person calls.
Please pray my surgery see they have to write that letter or I will sue them and please pray they are burdened by guilt that they have let me be stalked and put through such stress. Please pray they help me prosecute that stalker
Please pray Dr Fernandez realises that George is a stalker and has not been treating me for anything. Please pray my surgery ignore him completely and back me up.