SOS prayers for me to find a new place I can afford to get away from my stalker. Have some one in police department to find out he’s stalking me. And for authorities to deal with him .
Please pray I’m kept safe from the stalker pretending he’s my psychiatrist and that the bridge of my nose straightens and goes down smooth with no bumps or swelling
Please pray for my Stalker to get the mental help he needs. He’s obsessed with me and I’m sure he is in Turmoil. And I am at my wits end with him and the things he does to me to keep my attention on him. I rejected his advances. He is my neighbor. Now I guess to him he’s gonna make me miserable...
Pray for me. Please pray my stalker leaves me alone. Pray that I stay strong enough to withstand all he’s doing to me. My mental state is growing weaker pray I stay strong mentally.
Please pray that my stalker stops harassing me and putting trash in front of my door way. Please pray he gets help with his mental issues and stops this obsession with me. Please pray he does not over hurt me.
Please pray MHAS and Monica get Dr.George prosecuted and under a restraining order,please pray Galina is protected and left alone. Please pray MHAS and Monica accept that Galina’s neighbours know George is a stalker and saw him letting himself in to her home and stealing underwear.
Please pray MHAS unit at the Royal Ed help Galina prosecute pervert Dr George for stalking. Please pray they provide unstinting help and see he’s a danger to women and made her feel violated,stipe underwear,keys to her home and is a stalker
I’ve left a GP and we are suing them for lying about dates of registration,to cover another doctor I don’t know making sham referrals to a stalker. Please pray we make headway and that no sham information is added to my medical files.
Please pray my GP steps in and protects me from the stalker who’s pretending he is my “psychiatrist”. Please pray Dr.Ahuja sees he must go to jail and helps with this🙏
Please pray I’m protected and he is struck off the GMC register. Please pray Dr.Katz is forced to publicly accept responsibility for handing over my medical file to a stalker
Please pray jealousy from others isn’t able to stop me and B being together and happy,and please pray I receive abundant compensation from the club,council and police and the other slanderers. Please pray Dr.G is seen as a stalker
Please pray my Gp admits I’ve been fully registered with them for ages and in the borough for years. A stalker in another county is trying to pretend I’m registered there to get access to me,he’s a rapist on the register of offenders and has impending legal cases. Please pray I’m fully protected...
Please pray primrose hill surgery accept that “Dr George” is a stalker and that they need to step in to make it clear he’s got no legitimate connection to Galina🙌 Please pray they help get him jailed 🙌
Please pray I receive huge compensation for the doctor giving my file to a stalker on the sex offenders register. Please pray he is prosecuted and unable to interfere with any of my treatment 🙏
A stalker who has never met me is making bogus mental health reoorts pretending I’m sick,his “patient” and sending them to authorities as well as getting his friends to do this. Please pray I can evidence everything that’s going on and I am protected.