
  1. Powers

    Relationship healing . . pls pray

    Holy Spirit, heal my relationship w my son Sean, in Christ. Draw us close to Jesus. Thank You, ijnip
  2. Powers

    Holy Spirit, heal my relationship w my ...

    Holy Spirit, heal my relationship w my son Sean. Draw us close to Jesus. Thank You, ijnip
  3. Powers

    Relationship healing . . pls pray

    Holy Spirit, heal my relationship w my son Sean. Draw us close to Jesus. Thank You, ijnip
  4. Powers

    soften son's heart . . pls pray

    Holy Spirit, draw son Sean back to Jesus. Save us all, God. Thank You, ijnip
  5. Powers

    Renew our hearts in Christ

    Holy Spirit, draw me & son Sean back to Jesus. Soften our hearts ...Save us all, God. Thank You, ijnip
  6. Powers

    Prodigals .. open our ♡ back to You, Jesus

    Holy Spirit, draw son Sean back to Jesus. Softrn our hearts ...Save us all, God. Thank You, ijnip
  7. Powers

    soften Sean's heart . . pls pray

    Holy Spirit, draw son Sean back to Jesus. Save us all, God. Thank You, ijnip
  8. Powers

    Mature & heal us

    God, mature and heal me, son Sean & our relationship in Christ. Thank You, IJNA
  9. Powers

    Heal & mature us . . please pray

    God, heal me, my son Sean & our relationship. .. Mature us to a close relationship in Christ. IJNA
  10. Powers

    Relationship .. heal us, Lord

    God, heal me, my son Sean & our relationship. .. Mature us to a close relationship in Christ. IJNA
  11. Powers

    Pray, please .. Thx, they're working

    God, heal me, my son Sean & our relationship. .. Mature us to a close relationship in Christ. IJNA
  12. Powers

    Heal us in Christ

    God, thanks as You heal my relationship w my child Sean. .. For a closer relationship w Sean in Christ. IJNA
  13. Powers

    Relationship ~ thanks for praying for us

    God, thank You for healing my relationship w my child Sean. I pray closer relationship w Sean in Christ. IJNA
  14. Powers

    Jesus, heal Sean with good sleep ~ ...

    Jesus, heal Sean with good sleep ~ deep, healthy, 7- 8 hours per night's sleep. Thank You, ijnip
  15. Powers

    Sleep 😴

    Jesus, heal me & Sean with good sleep nightly ~ deep, healthy, 7- 8 hours per night's sleep. Thank You, ijnip
  16. Powers

    Sleep for Sean

    Jesus, heal Sean with good sleep nightly ~ deep, healthy, 7- 8 hours per night's sleep. Thank You, ijnip
  17. Powers

    Sleep for Sean

    Jesus, heal Sean with good sleep ~ deep, healthy, 7- 8 hours per night's sleep. Thank You, ijnip
  18. Powers

    Sleep for Sean

    Jesus, heal Sean with good sleep ~ deep, healthy, 7- 8 hours per night's sleep. Thank You, ijnip
  19. praying mama

    Wisdom and Spiritual Growth

    For my hubby, Sean to grow in his love for Jesus, being drawn into a deeper, more intimate relationship with Christ that will be his very own so it’s not an extension of mine or anyone else. May God bless each of you, Jennifer
  20. praying mama

    Spiritual Growth

    Please pray for a humble heart for my hubby, Sean; To receive the Lord’s correction with openness, surrender and a heart that willingly chooses to obey his Lord and Savior. God bless you! Jennifer
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