God, my son asked for prayer ...I ask You to heal, guide & protect him ~ his heart, soul, body, spirit & vehicle. For his progress - THANK YOU, PRAYER WARRIORS. God, thank You for his emotional, mental, psychological & spiritual healing & maturity. Jesus, cover him in Your Blood ~ You release...
addictions ancestral chains holy spirit
clarity miracle manifestation
country: united states
emotional mental psychological spiritual healing maturity
heart soul body spirit vehicle
thought word deed
God, heal & guard me and Sean, my son ~ in heart, soul & body. You heal Sean mentally & emotionally + direct him to Your work/income for him. Thank You, ijnip.
God, for Sarah ~ grieving loss of her mother. For Sean ~ restored heart & soul. For Marlene ~ her back healed. God, bless Alicia & Meg ~ thank You for their help. Thank You, IJNA