Good afternoon PJ. I want God to level every mountain of: 1. Depression and frustration 2. Confusion & Distraction 3. Lack and want 4. Near success syndrome 5. Fear, laziness and Timidity 6. Repeated FAILURE😫 7. Prayerlessness 8. I want my prayer and word life rivived. 9.Rekindle my fire oh...
Please help jd realize that his friendship with pj isn't healthy and right. Help him distance himself. Every time they communicate jd gets angry. Help jd and devon bond with each other. Help devon communicate with jd
Please help pj do something else instead of gaming all day long. Thursday today help him Spend the day with his girlfriend and kids instead. Doing something nice for them
Please help pj get off the computer and do something else instead of gaming. It's sunday family day. Let him see it's not
Healthy looking at a screen all day
Please help pj get off the computer and do something else instead of gaming. Help him bond with his friends instead of jd. Help jd bond with devan and his buddies. Help jd relax and stop stressing out about the papers
Please help pj get off the computer and do something else instead of gaming. Help Cassie distance herself from communicating with jd. Help her bond with others
Help pj spend time with his gf and kids instead of playing video games all day. Help find a new hobbie or interest instead. Help him distance himself from jd.
Please help pj get off the computer and do something else instead. Or get some rest it's late. Help see it's not healthy gaming all day. Help jd stop communicating with pj. Help him see it's not a healthy friendship
Please help pj spend time with family and friends and neighbors instead of gaming. Help him see it's not healthy playing all the time. Help him distance from jd. Help him log out of the computer
Please help pj get off the computer and do something else instead of gaming. Help him distance himself from jd. Help see there's other things to than games
Please help pj get off the computer and find something else to do. Help him distance himself from jd. Help him Spend time with family, friends, co-workers and neighbors instead of gaming all day.
Help pj and jd distance from each other. Help pj bond with his other friends from around his area, neighbors, Co workers, and family friends. Help jd bond with devan and his buddies. Please help jd and pj see there friendship isn't healthy. Jd gets werid and angry when pj talk to him. And takes...
Help pj and jd distance from each other. Help pj bond with his other friends from around his area, neighbors, Co workers, and family friends. Help jd bond with devan and his buddies. Please help jd and pj see there friendship isn't healthy. Jd gets werid and angry when pj talk to him. And takes...
Help pj and jd distance from each other. Help pj bond with his other friends from around his area, neighbors, Co workers, and family friends. Help jd bond with devan and his buddies. Please help jd and pj see there friendship isn't healthy. Jd gets werid and angry when pj talk to him. And takes...
Help pj and jd distance from each other. Help pj bond with his other friends from around his area, neighbors, Co workers, and family friends. Help jd bond with devan and his buddies. Please help jd and pj see there friendship isn't healthy. Jd gets werid and angry when pj talk to him. And takes...