Please help jd and pj distance themselves from each other. Help pj bond with his other friends. Help pj stop communicating with jd. Jd gets very weird and aggressive whenever they communicate
Please help pj distance himself from jd. Help him see there friendship isn't healthy. Help him bond with his other friends. Help pj get off the computer and spend time with family and friends and neighbors instead.
Let pj realize that his friendship with Jd isn't healthy. Help him bond with his other friends. And help pj spend less time on the computer and instead spend time with family and friends in the real world. Help him have a family Sunday
Help pj get off the computer do something else instead of gaming all day. Help him distance himself from Jd. Help him see their friendship isn't right. Help jd realize that too. Help pj bond with his other friends
Please help pj get off the computer and do something else instead of gaming all long. Help distance himself from Jd. Help him see there friendship isn't healthy. Help Jd distance as well
Help pj get off the computer and spend time with family and friends and neighbors instead of gaming all day. Help pj see his friendship with Jd isn't healthy and right. Help him bond with his other friends
Let pj see that his friendship with jd isn't healthy. Help pj distance himself from Jd. Help him bond with his other friends. Help pj spend time free time doing other things instead of gaming
Please help pj spend time with family and friends and neighbors instead of gaming today. Help him do something nice for the kids and his girlfriend. It's summer go outside instead of gaming
Please help jd distance himself pj. Help pj distance himself from Jd. Let pj spend time with family and friends and neighbors instead of gaming all day.
Please help pj get off the computer. Help him see it's not healthy. Help him find other hobbies and interests instead. Help him stop playing the game he's playing now. Help pj do something special for the kids and his girlfriend. He's an adult not a teenager to be gaming all day and night
Please help pj get off the computer and do something else instead of gaming. Help him see it's not healthy gaming for many hours. Help him distance from jd.
Please help pj get off the computer and do something else instead of gaming. With his free time spend time with family, friends, neighbors and co workers. Find a hobbie and interest. Join a team or a class. Help him see it's not healthy gaming all day long. Help him distance himself from jd
Help pj get off the computer and do something else instead of gaming all day long. Let him realize that there are other things to do then gaming. Spending time with family, friends, neighbors, and Co workers. Help him distance from jd
Please help pj get off the computer and do something else instead of gaming. Help him find other hobbies and interests instead. Help distance himself from jd