
  1. natasha2

    Menstr cycle regulation

    Stop the menstrual bleeding. A period lasts for to.long (sometimes for 20 days). sometimes to excessive. Lord regulate my peeiod and menstrual cycle (28 days duration) and period (cca 4-6 days). Alao healthy menopause transition. I am 50. Thank you!! Thank you Lord for hearing and granting my...
  2. bmicah05

    I have several prayer requests: 1. My ...

    I have several prayer requests: 1. My wife will have her period. 2. I can get out of debt. 3. Quarantine for my kids for Covid-19 will go fast and won’t be to boring. 4. I can praise the Lord regardless of my circumstances.
  3. Betae

    Good day man of God, am blessing ...

    Good day man of God, am blessing from osogbo in osun state. My husband lost his job during covid 19 period and I have 4 children nothing to eat, they are not going to school because no money and our house rent is due too. Please help my family sir.
  4. JesusourLordandSavior

    Praying Heavenly Father for your help with ...

    Praying Heavenly Father for your help with these constant attacks. Praying I get some rest. Please guide me and protect me Father from evil. Also praying my pay does not get dock this period as I need to pay my rent. Also praying Lord for job security and for extra work to come in. Hoping and...
  5. Blessings1964

    Sharing from Crosswalk

    Get ready to receive – God will break the silence some day… and when He does it WILL be good. If you mope around in your sorrows, you’ll be less prepared to receive the good things to come. Not because of your circumstances, but because of your faith, clothe yourself in joy as you wait for God...
  6. JesusourLordandSavior

    Praying Heavenly Father for your help with ...

    Praying Heavenly Father for your help with these attacks. Please guide me and protect me Father from this evil. Also praying my pay does not get dock this period as I would like to pay my rent. Also praying Lord for job security and that extra work comes in. Hoping and praying that no more...
  7. Sintyne

    Pray for my wife who every two ...

    Pray for my wife who every two to her period has serve abdominal pain
  8. Igcar

    Pls pastor pray for me it's been ...

    Pls pastor pray for me it's been 3 month now that I haven't seen my period and am not pregnant it's just cease like that! Pls pray for me
  9. Igcar

    Pls pastor pray for me it's been ...

    Pls pastor pray for me it's been 3 month now that I haven't seen my period and am not pregnant it's just cease like that! Pls pray for me
  10. Job4212

    Praying for God's blessings during this period.

    Praying house sale closes smoothly. Praying for God's blessings during this period. In Jesus' name.
  11. animallovez


    Father God, I pray that you get my period back on cycle and bless me with my period. In Jesus Christ let my prayer be adjusted according to the will of God. Lord, I need you, I thank you, I trust you, I love you. In Jesus Christ Name I pray Amen
  12. Igcar

    I believe God will hear me and ...

    I believe God will hear me and as well grants my heart desires... Pls pray for me, Its been 2 month and some weeks now that I haven't seen my period am not sick and I haven't experienced it before... And neither am I pregnant.. Pls say a word of prayer for me and I believe God will hear ....
  13. animallovez


    Father God, I'm begging you please bring my period today. Remove whatever it is blocking it. In Jesus Christ let my prayer be adjusted according to the will of God. Lord, I need you, I thank you, I trust you, I love you. In Jesus Christ Name I pray Amen
  14. animallovez


    Father God, I pray that my period comes today. I pray that it is no longer delayed. Lord, I need you to bless me with my period today. In Jesus Christ let my prayer be adjusted according to the will of God. Lord, I need you, I thank you, I trust you, I love you. In Jesus Christ Name I pray Amen
  15. animallovez


    Father God, I pray that you will bless me with my period today. It is 4 days late. Please bring my period today. In Jesus Christ Name I pray Amen
  16. animallovez


    Father God, I pray that my period finally comes today. Remove anything from blocking it to come. In Jesus Christ let my prayer be adjusted according to the will of God. In Jesus Christ Name I pray Amen
  17. animallovez


    Father God, I pray that you remove whatever the reason is that my period is on a delay. I pray that my period comes now. In Jesus Christ Name I pray Amen
  18. animallovez


    Father God, I pray that you will bless me with my period soon. I pray that I get on a regular menstrual cycle. In Jesus Christ let my prayer be adjusted according to the will of God. Lord, I need you, I thank you, I trust you, I love you. In Jesus Christ Name I pray Amen
  19. John Chan

    Continue to pray that God will show ...

    Continue to pray that God will show His mercy and Love for us sinners during this period of pandemic. His will be done.
  20. animallovez


    Father God, Please have my period come soon. In Jesus Christ let my prayer be adjusted according to the will of God. Lord, I need you, I thank you, I trust you, I love you. In Jesus Christ Name I pray Amen
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