Please, pray for me. My period is late and I feel sick. Plus I have a bit of dizziness and blurred vision. Please, pray I get my period today cause I feel too sick.
Please pray that this burning on my right index finger will heal finaly. It hurts a bit and stretches my skin. Blister is healing but its like another invisible blister underneath showed up. Thank you
Pray for regular healthy menstrual cycle and period.
Please pray that the bubble on my right index finger from burning will vanish. No irritation to.
Pray for healthy regular menstrual cycle and period. All female and reproductive organs healthy. Hormonal levels healthy.
Thank you Lord for sustaining me and giving me the strength during this trying period. Please pray that my depressed partner will be set free from his illness and God will restore our relationship.
Please pray for my partner to be free from depression and for God to restore our relationship. Thank you God for sustaining me through this trying period and i pray that the good Lord would watch over my partner as well.
My prayer request..please brethren prsy for me concerning my job ,I am working in a Cement production company at this period they have sacked so many people God helped me when they did the first one. We are hearing that they are still printing sack letters and we don't know who's name is there...
I am 45yrs old and my husband Rakesh Gagrai 42yrs old we have no children last month l have no period l Camelot doctor says don%u2019t wary it happens We have no owr owne home so l prayer that we have owr home
dear frnds ur prayeres worked i got period today is 3rd... jesus responsed ...amen i need a work at my hometown for our rent payment pls help me jesus to find a work u know that i have to earn i m the only one child in my family i need to earn for my father's support pls help me to find a work i...
Healing in my body, Fruit of the womb, good man of god; family deliverance, promotion, New job with good salary and a miracle debt cancellation, to get my period back. In Jesus 's name.
My period only lasts 5 days and should have stopped two days ago and I keep spotting. Please, pray the spotting stops. I beg you to pray for me. Thank you all!
Please pray for my reproductive system. I want healing from fibriods and abnormal cells in the womb. I ve missed my period for 4weeks now but I ve started spotting and pregnancy symptoms has started fading. I ve been looking for a child for 7years now.
Jesus I lift up my maid in yr hands, please solve all the problems she is facing with her son regarding his marriage, his girl friend & family.Please pray for them to make all decisions amicably without harrasing my maid here.Jesus grant peace in all their decisions during this covid 19 period.I...
I prayed and I prayed and god didn’t help
My dad. He died on Saturday, not able to
Talk or open his eyes or squeeze my hand. There has been so much sadness and pain in my life that I can’t believe god did this to me. I lost multiple babies, had a stillborn, been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer...
Please pray for health of all of my female andcreproductive organs. Irregular bleeding stoped finaly and healthy normal regular menstr cycles and period. Amen
Its funny how we pray and ask God for blessings and how He brings bad news always... Wowwww.... M confused if God really exist... Are you praying to no body????? Or does prayer works the opposite?? Or He simply isn't listening?? Fed up of all the sad things coming more prayers from my...
Please pray against headake tension stress neevosity and that i will be relaxed peaceful calm, my period will.stop finaly and my menstr cycle be regula and normal. Stress around work.(online schoool classes and final grades). Relaxation so that i can also normaly sleep. Thank you
country: croatia
final grades relaxation
headache tension stress nervosity
menstrual cycle
normal stress
peaceful calm
work online school classes
Please pray that this on and off comming and going period will stop. Let any bleeding stop. I had peeiod 14 days ago and it is not normal. Let my menstr cycle be normal and regulqr. Whatever is the cause let it be removed, normalized or stoped. Whatever is not of Godet it be renoved from my...
Please pray that there will be no fear around my health. Sometimes its like pynic or anxiety. My period lasts for to long. Its a 12. day. Thank you!!
Also normal diggestion. Its because of fear. I had not my last period. Maybe this is the reason it lasts for so long.