Pray that I wont get mandated and wont get asked to work overtime as I am feeling very weary. Also pray for my health issue to be resolved. Pray for a comfortable working environment with no anxiety as I have a coworker that gives me a difficult time. Pray for great respect for one another Amen
Pray that my schedule at work wont get changed and that I wont get mandated to work overtime. Also pray for a comfortable working environment as I have a coworker that gives me a difficult time kindly pray for respect for one another. Also pray for my health issue to be resolved quickly Amen
Pray that I wont be mandated and wont be asked to work overtime as I am feeling very weary. Also pray for my health issue to be resolved. Also pray for a comfortable working environment as I have a coworker that sometimes gives me a difficult time. Kindly pray for this situation and for a...
Pray for a comfortable working environment with great respect for one another as I have a coworker that gives me a difficult time. Pray for anxiety to go away. Pray that my schedule at work wont change. Also pray that I wont get mandated or get asked to work overtime as I am feeling very weary...
I have a coworker that gives me a difficult time. Kindly pray for this situation and for anxiety to go away and also for a comfortable working environment with respect for one another. Pray that I wont be mandated or asked to work overtime as I am feeling very weary. Also pray for my health...
Pray for a comfortable working environment as I have a coworker that sometimes gives me a hard time. Pray for a comfortable working environment with respect for one another. Also pray that I wont get mandated to work overtime as I am feeling very weary. Also pray for my health issue to be...
That I wont be mandated or asked to work overtime as I am feeling very weary. Also pray for me because my coworker gives me a difficult time at times. Also pray for my health issue to be resolved. Amen
Pray that my job will stop mandating me and stop asking me to work overtime as I am feeling very weary. Also pray for my health issue to be resolved Also pray for my that my main coworker at work doesn't give me a difficult time as it sometimes happens. Amen
Pray that I wont be mandated or asked to work overtime as I am feeling very weary. Also pray about my coworker giving me a difficult time. Also pray for my health issue to be resolved. Amen
Pray that management at my job will stop mandating me and stop asking me to work overtime as I am feeling very weary. Also pray for my health issue to be resolved Amen
Pray for a comfortable working environment as I have coworkers that sometimes gives me difficult times.Pray or my anxiety to go away. Also pray that I wont get mandated to work overtime as I am feeling feeling weary. Also pray for my health Amen
Pray that my schedule at work doesn't change. Also pray that my coworkers will respect me as I have some that gives me a difficult time. Pray for anxiety to go away. Also pray that I wont get mandated to work overtime as I am feeling weary. Also pray for my health. Amen