Pray that I wont get mandated to work overtime as I am feeling very weary. Pray for a comfortable working environment and respect for one another for anxiety to go away. Also pray for my health issue to be resolved. Amen
Pray for a comfortable working environment with anxiety to go away and for great respect for one another. I also have a coworker I am not comfortable working with kindly split us up and find better things for him. Also pray I wont get mandated and wont get asked to work overtime as I am feeling...
Pray for a comfortable working environment with great respect for one another and for anxiety to go away. Also pray that I wont get mandated to work overtime as I am feeling very weary. Pray for my health issue to be resolved Amen
Pray that I wont get mandated and wont get asked to work overtime in my current job as I am feeling weary. Also pray for my health issue to be resolved Amen
I am the sole provider for my family of 3. I work as much overtime as possible and I cannot make it financially or physically anymore. My body and mind are weakened and im starting to develop health issues from all pf this. Im under a lot of stress at home and work. I pray to you dear lord for...
Pray for a comfortable working environment and for great respect for one another and for anxiety to go away. Also pray that I wont get mandated and wont get asked to work overtime at the job I currently work at. Also pray that I will get hired at CBS and receive a notification on being hired. Amen
Pray that I will get hired at CBS as they already spoke to all my references. Also pray that I wont get mandated or asked to work overtime at my current job Amen
My references will be called for the job I am applying for today. Pray my references will give great remarks and attributes about me Amen Also pray that I wont get mandated and wont get asked to work overtime at the current job/company I am in Amen
Pray that I will get hired at the job at CBS that I have been applying for. Also pray that I wont get mandated and wont get asked to work overtime at my current job Amen
Kindly pray that I will get hired at the job called CBS that I applied for as they are in the process of calling each of my references. Pray all my references will give good remarks and references about me. Also pray I wont get mandated or asked to work overtime at my current job. Amen
Pray that I will have a comfortable working environment with great respect for one another. Pray that my anxiety will go away. Also pray that I wont get mandated to work overtime as I am feeling very weary. Also pray for health condition to be resolved, Amen
Pray that i wont be mandated to work overtime. Also pray for a comfortable working environment with great respect with one another and for anxiety to go away. Pray that I will get hired at the new job I applied for and that my references will give me good references. Also pray for my health...
Pray for my grandpas recovery whos in the hospital right now. Also pray that i wont get called or mandated to work overtime at my current job. I also applied for another job kindly pray that I will get a new position at the new job I applied for Amen
Pray for a comfortable working environment and for great respect for one another and for anxiety to go away. Also pray that I wont get mandated to work overtime and for my health condition to be resolved Amen