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  1. Brother James

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for ...

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Your Incredible Love and Forgiveness for me that I don't deserve, for Your Convictions, Your Chastisements, Your Loving Corrections, for the remembrances of the Incredible Things You Have Over Blessed me to see for myself, for Proving Yourself to me when...
  2. Brother James

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for ...

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Making me lie down in green pastures, for Blessing me to behold You in part physically, for Your Incredible Scripture which Blesses me to behold You in Full Spiritually yet it is still only in part, for Giving me rest, for my Brothers and Sisters in Christ...
  3. Brother James

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for ...

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Healing me by Your stripes from back pain in advance, from the white matter they found in my brain in advance, from not needing heart surgeries, for Blessing my wife and I with love and concern for each other, for Your Incredible Love and Forgiveness for us...
  4. Brother James

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for ...

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Keeping me grounded in You, for Reminding me of Things You Taught me and Continue to Teach me, for Always Being With me, for Never leaving me, from Leviticus 16 that You appear in the Cloud above the mercy seat which is Always Before us All as You cut the...
  5. Brother James

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for ...

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Blessing me to be able to do All things through You in Your Power, for Blessing me to be More than a Conqueror through You, for Blessing me with family, friends, clients that seek to do Your Will, for Blessing me to Share You, to Share of the things You have...
  6. Brother James

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for ...

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Blessing us with Your Incredible Gifts to Claim in Your Name Jesus, for the Examples of things found in Scripture being alive for us today, for Your Incredible Promises that can be depended upon, for Saving my house, for Opening the eyes and ears of my wife...
  7. Brother James

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for ...

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Blessing my wife and I to get along together, to show each other mercy, to speak to each other of Your Blessings, to lift each other up, to comfort each other, to Love each other with Your Love that You have for us, for Healing us by Your stripes, to stay...
  8. Brother James

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for ...

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Blessing me with Your Incredible Gifts to Claim in Your Name Jesus, for the Examples of things found in Scripture, for Your Incredible Promises that can be depended upon, for Saving my house, for Opening the eyes and ears of my wife, children, grandchildren...
  9. Brother James

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for ...

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Making me the Righteousness of God in Christ, for Proving to me that I have Your Righteousness when You made me at peace with the beasts of the field through the mountain lion and the rattle snake even though I might have been wrong in some of my thinkings...
  10. Brother James

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for ...

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Teaching's in Your Scripture that You Bless me with, for Instructions that I didn't understand at first, for Blessing me to take no thought for my life trusting in Your Thoughts for me, for Blessing me to die to myself and live unto You, for Your Incredible...
  11. Brother James

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for ...

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Convicting me to Thank and Praise You for things in advance rather than complain, for Opening my eyes and ears unto the Prosperity You have planned for me in this changing world, for Giving me Your Wisdom and Your Understanding, for Your Incredible Love and...
  12. Brother James

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for ...

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Your Wisdom, for this website, for Giving others the wisdom to make all the things we have around us whether they knew it or not, for Blessing All things to work unto my good because of the Love You Give/Gave me for You, for Loving me First, for Choosing me...
  13. Brother James

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for ...

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Your Incredible Mercy, for Your Incredible Love and Forgiveness for me, for Saving me by Your Grace, for Giving me hope for a Blessed Future in You, for Keeping me from being moved, for Blessing me to retire from my works resting in You and Your Works...
  14. Brother James

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for ...

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for the Body of Christ, the True Church which is in us as well as All around us, for Being Our Habitation, for Allowing No sickness, No plague, No virus, No evil to enter nor be near us just because we make You our Habitation even though You Always have been, for...
  15. Brother James

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for ...

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Blessing me to do All things through You, for Blessing me to die to myself, take no thought for my life, for Blessing me to pay my bills, for Blessing me with work especially when doctors told me I'd never work again, for Blessing me with Your Thoughts for my...
  16. Brother James

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for ...

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Anointing me unto You, for Dwelling with me, for Baptizing me unto You, for Dwelling in me, for Finishing All things unto Yourself for me, for Always Helping me, for Opening my eyes and ears unto You, for Blessing me with wisdom, for Being my Greatest...
  17. Brother James

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for ...

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Blessing me to Thank and Praise You in advance for things rather than complain, for removing curses, sins and negativity from me, for Your Incredible Love and Forgiveness for me in which I don't deserve, for Convicting me not to watch things that separate me...
  18. Brother James

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for ...

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Blessing me to Thank and Praise You in advance rather than complain, for removing curses and complaints from me, for Your Incredible Love and Forgiveness for me in which I don't deserve, for Prospering me Spiritually as well as Physically as my soul Prospers...
  19. Brother James

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for ...

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Fulfilling All of Your Requirements for Us in Our place which You Require of Us in Scripture, for Being Obedient Unto Your Laws for Us, for Dying for Our sins, for the pains You took on for Us, for Healing Us by Your stripes, for Always Giving Us something to...
  20. Brother James

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for ...

    Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Continually Blessing me in my daily reading of Your Word, In my Bible reading recently I noticed that Jesus left his linen clothes behind in Luke 24:12 so I imagine we will leave our closes behind, I was also reminded to Thank and Praise Jesus especially for...
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