Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Keeping me, for Being Greater than me especially during times I had doubts, for Your Incredible Love and Forgiveness for my sins, for Saving my house in advance, for Opening the eyes and ears of my wife, children, grandchildren, their significant others unto...
children grandchildren
country: united states
foods clothes shoes
incredible love
incredible treasure
many proofs
mountain lion
significant others
water fuels
Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Your Incredible Love and Forgiveness, for Your Reminders of Things You Have Done for me, for Convicting me to share of You as what You have done for me You can do for anyone who calls on You, who claims of Your Promises, for Being Greater than my weaknesses...
children grandchildren
clothes shoes
country: united states
greatest most incredible treasure
heart surgeries
incredible love
incredible word
many testimonies
mountain lion
Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Life, for Teaching me how to get Yes and Amen directly from You Lord Jesus, for Always Hearing us, even our thoughts which teach us to guard our thoughts doing Your Will even in our thoughts, for Teaching me to take no thought for my life trusting in Your...
country: united states
foods clothes shoes shelter
heart failures
heart surgeries
incredible peace
many proofs
mountain lion
past present
social security
Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Your Incredible Love and Forgiveness for my sins, for Giving me Your Love and Forgiveness for others, for Providing for my needs, for Blessing me to pay my bills, for Preparing me for All things and Preparing All things for me as You Did for Jonah, for the...
Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Your Incredible Word, for Knowing the Beginning as well as the End, for Salvation, for Your Incredible Love and Forgiveness for Our sins, for Saving my house, for Opening the eyes and ears of my wife, children, grandchildren, their significant others unto You...
clothes shoes
country: united states
incredible instructions
incredible word
mountain lion
negative words
new bodies
social security
water fuels lotions
Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Your Incredible Word, for Your Incredible Promises that We can Claim in Your Name Jesus as well as Depend Upon them, for Your Incredible Love and Forgiveness for me, for Being So Very Incredible to me that my words don't seem to describe yet I try, for Saving...
country: united states
foods clothes
incredible love
incredible most valuable treasure
incredible peace
incredible promises
incredible word
valuable most incredible friend
wife children grandchildren
Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Blessing me with something new to do in You in advance, for Prospering me to pay my bills, my house payment along with my other bills, for Healing me by Your stripes from not needing heart surgeries as well as Healing me slowly from the other things that came...
clothes shoes shelter
country: united states
heart surgeries
heart troubles
incredible love
incredible most valuable treasure
mountain lion
social security
wife children grandchildren
Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Your Incredible Word filled with Promises that can be Dependent Upon, for Your Glory that Fills Heaven and Earth, for Showing me that All Things Work for my Good Because of the Love You Have Given me for You, for Showing me that the ignorances of man can't...
ancient israel
country: united states
foods clothes shoes shelter
incredible love
incredible word
internal parts
mountain lion
secret places
valuable most incredible treasure
Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Blessing us with Daily Bible Readings, for Never leaving me, for Keeping me, for the Many Times You Have Shown me the Power of Your Word, the Power of Claiming Your Promises, for my Brothers and Sisters in Christ All Over the World, for Removing evil...
children grandchildren
country: united states
daily bible readings
evil wickedness
foods clothes shoes
incredible love
old man
social security
water fuels lotions
Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Blessing me to see that my old man is dead, for Convicting me to take no thought for my life, for Living in me, for Blessing Us to be risen with you in Your Glory, for Prospering me in You, for Healing me by Your stripes, for Blessing me with work when...
an inch
country: united states
foods clothes shoes
many times
mountain lion
old man
significant others
water fuels
wife children grandchildren
Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Your Incredible Word, for Knowing the Beginning as well as the End, for Salvation, for Your Incredible Love and Forgiveness for me, for Saving my house, for Opening the eyes and ears of my wife, children, grandchildren, their significant others unto You in...
an inch
country: united states
foods clothes shoes
incredible love
incredible word
mountain lion
rattle snake
significant others
wife children grandchildren
Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Your Incredible Love and Forgiveness for my sins, for Your Incredible Peace that is like wine yet without understanding, for the Joy of what You Did, Do, Will Do for me which is my strength, for my wife that You Blessed me with, for Healing her teeth, for...
an inch
clothes shoes
country: united states
incredible love
mountain lion
significant others
social security
water fuels lotions
wife children grandchildren
Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Keeping me, for Drawing me back to You Every time I fell away, for Never Leaving me, for Taking Care of my needs, for Fighting for me, for Prospering me, for Blessing me to become debt free in advance, for Lifting me up whenever I fell, for Being poor so that...
country: united states
foods clothes shoes shelter
greatest most incredible most valuable treasure
incredible instructions
incredible miracles
incredible protections
lotions soaps things
sister aunts
wife children grandchildren mother brother
Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Convicting me to Thank and Praise You rather than complain, for Blessing All Things to Work Unto my Good Because of the Love You Have Given me for You, for the Incredible Peace that is like wine yet without understanding that You Have Placed in me, for the...
Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Making it Possible for me to Spend Eternity in Paradise With You, for Being So Incredible to and for me, for Blessing me with Joy in You especially when I feel sorrowful, for What You Did, Do, Will Do for me which is my strength, for the Incredible pains You...
children grandchildren
clothes shoes shelter
country: united states
dwelling place
fuels lotions soaps
incredible love
incredible pains
mountain lion
superstition mountains
Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Having Done Everything for Us, for Giving Us Faith in You, for Raising Yourself from the dead, for Living in Us, for Giving Us Life in You, for Being Our Lord and Savior, for Choosing Us, for Saving my house in advance, for Opening the eyes and ears of my...
country: united states
foods clothes shoes shelter
holy spirit
incredible peace
incredible promises
lotions soaps things
mountain lion
other share
valuable most incredible treasure
Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Being my Friend, for Making me Your Friend, for Your Incredible Love and Forgiveness for me, for Blessing me with Your Word, for Your Incredible Instructions, for Always Being With me, for Saving my house in advance, for Opening the eyes and ears of my wife...
country: united states
foods clothes shoes
incredible instructions
incredible love
incredible peace
many promises
many testimonies
proper fear
wife children grandchildren
Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Your Incredible Word, for Your Instructions in Righteousness, for Reminding me that You Have Done Everything for me, for Being Greater than my heart especially when I feel condemned, for Your Incredible Love and Forgiveness for me, for Preparing me for All...
children grandchildren
country: united states
foods clothes shoes
incredible love
incredible most valuable treasure
incredible name
incredible thoughts
incredible word
many ways
Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Your Words that Forever Flow Through me like a Flood Leading Up Unto Everlasting Life With You in Paradise, for Blessing me to Remember Your Incredible Promises that I hold dear, for Giving me rest in You even when I'm working, for Blessing me to see things...
children grandchildren
country: united states
dwelling place
foods clothes shoes shelter
incredible love
incredible mercy
incredible promises
mountain lion
valuable most incredible treasure
Thank You, Praise You Lord Jesus for Your Peace that is like wine yet without understanding, for the Incredible Joy of What You Did, Do, Will Do for Us which is my strength especially at times I feel as if I have no strength in myself, for Convicting and Blessing me to follow Your Incredible...
children grandchildren
country: united states
foods clothes shoes shelter
incredible instructions
incredible joy
incredible love
lotions soaps things
significant others
valuable most incredible treasure