Big Red spot in my eye. Right eye in the right corner. Inflammation, bleeding or what. Please pray for healing.
Normal stomach acid. No nausea. No gastritis.
No noise in a next door appartement, in my building or in my area in.Jesus name. So that i can enoy peace and rest and sleep this...
1) High efficiency today concerning a) preparing for my work tomorrow and this week (I must read boring statutes and laws concerning state exames in my high school and create an exam for one pupil who repeats whole year).b) home cleaning /washing/ c) and all other stuff
2) no problems.with my...
1 high efficiency
4 regular menstrual cycle
boring statutes
country: croatia
easy menopause transition hormones glands
one particular group
one pupil
other digestive issues
state exams
No bloating normal breathing. Normal.stomach acid.
No pain in the area between neck and shoulder (on my back) when I turn around or in some positions.
I am sleepy because I have wrong biorhytm because of my work. Lord help me to catch up a sleep and rest/relax properly now. Amen.
Stop with prayer my period. It already lasts for to long. Started on 06. June., cca 17 days. Regulation of my menstrual cycle. Easy menopause transition. Thank you
Normal stomach acid. No gastritis. No nausea, pain or cramps. No stress or tension in my stomach. Also pray that this generational...
06 june
17 days regulation
country: croatia
easy menopause transition
generational issue
good break
menstrual cycle
nausea pain
Stop my period that lasts for to long - 15 days. Regular menstr cycle, normal period, easy menopause transition.
No nausea. No gasteitis, normal stomach acid.
Please pray that the next schoolyear i will have no unpleasant surprizes especially from my principle and the person who creates school...
breast cancer chemotherapy symptoms
country: croatia
gastritis issues diet
good friend
long 15 days regular menstrual cycle normal period easy menopause transition
new dream job
next school year
school schedule
unpleasant surprises
1) stopping my period who lasts for to long now. Starting from 06. june.
2) no nausea in my stomach, no gasreitis, normal stomach acid
3) amazing company, amazing friends, amazing week
4) amazing summer hollydays 2023 - 15.july - 15. august -
at the seacoast 21 days, time of my...
06 june
3 amazing company amazing friends
amazing company friends
country: croatia
seacoast 21 days time
week 4 amazing summer holidays
1) HEALTH: No problems with stomach, diggestion, no tension, stress, no pms symptoms.
No swelling abscess in my dental flesh. Everything healthy whole and repaired transformed regenerated.rejuvenated detoxified body, dental flesh, mouth, stomach, teeth.
Normal stomach acid. Good...
body dental flesh mouth stomach teeth
cat urin humide cigarettes
country: croatia
irritating noise
loud talking
loud tv construction noise
next door neighbors
normalstomachacidstomach digestion
unpleasant sweat body
No difficulties breathing from stomach acid/gastritis or nervosity. Normal stomach acid, normal deep breathing. No diggestive issues.
Healthy strong white sparkling shiny completely whole healthy beautiful and perfectly aligned teeth. No unease or slight occasional pain in my dental flesh. No...
No.tension in my stomach, no tension in my body.
No.gastritis, normal stomach acid.
Last two night i cannot sleep properly, waking up alot. Feeling like i have not slept at all.
No pain in my intetines.
No unease in gastrointestinal tract.
Normal stomach acid.
I caugh still and slime to (,consequences of a virus) but i feel like the stomach and intestines are very irritated.
I feel sometimes.nausea.
Taste of the food is not.good.
Smells to.
This happen because of...