PLease let my neighbours be quiet.
They are speaking very loud.
Practicaly shouting.
Numerous rebellious family.
Its 11:30 pm.
Please pray for peace and for my sweet sleep.
Also normal stomach acid, no bloating, normal breathing.
No boiling or bloating of my stomach.
Normal easy breathing. Normal easy diggestion. Always. Normal stomach acid. No stress or tension, fear or anxiety.
Healed/removed wounds in the corner of my lipps. Feeling of stretching. Dry wound. Sometimes painful.
No noise in my neighbourhood.
Loud tv!!!!
Or any other noise or loud talking.
Opened sinuses.
Normal.stomach acid.
No bloating.
Sweet uninterrupted sleep.
Normal stomach acid.
No acid reflux.
No gastritis.
No stress.
Normal period.
Normal menstrual cycle.
No breahting problems.
Stop the period now.
It is to early coming.
Please pray against any unpleasant or unhealthy symptom.
My mother - no diarrhea.
Healed diggestive system.
Health, strength for her.
Pray for healed stomach.
No irritation or inflammation.
Normal stomach acid.
Normal breathing, no problems with breathing.(while fast walking, stress or heavy food or bigger meals). Stomach virosis?
Normal stomach acid.
Excellent diggestion.
Super easy diggestion.
Normal diggestion.
Healthy diggestion.
Relaxed stomach.
Soft stomach.
Relaxed body.
THe mind of Christ.
Joy of the Lord.
Normal stomach acid.
No heart burn.
No acid reflux.
No gastritis.
Everything healed in and around my stomach.
Lines healed.
No possible ulcers, scars from ulcers to healed.
Excellent diggestion.
Relaxed body and stomach in Jesus name.
No pain in the chest or back.
Nothing connected to stomach or in general.
Normal breathing.
Normal stomach acid.
In Jesus name, amen.
Today i need health and strength because of severe obligations at work.
Lord, thank you.
No boiling in my stomach.
No nervosity.
No cramps
No gastritis.
Normal stomach acid.
No acid reflux, no heart burn.
Totaly relaxed stomach and body.
No diarrheal
Normal duiggestion.
Peace in my stomach and body