
  1. natasha2

    Noisy upstair neighbour, stomach health, good sleep

    My neighbour upstairs is very unpleasantly noisy. He walks like a bear, so that my walls are trembling. Thank you for praying for peace over him and the whole neighbourhood. Good sweet sleep. No tension or nervosity of the stomach or any other stomach issues.
  2. natasha2

    Eating, weight, stomach nervosity

    Not eating to much. No nervosity of the stomach which causes feeling of hunger. No stress or tension in my mind or body. Relaxed stomach and body. Coming to my perfect weight cca 77 kg. (now cca 90 kg) Perfect strategie, diet, physical activity... Gastritis causes sometimes breathing...
  3. natasha2

    Relaxation, no pain/tension in my abdomen, good sleep

    Relaxation. No nervosity or tension in stomach and other areas. Good sweet sleep.
  4. natasha2

    No nervosity, no worries, falling asleep

    No nervosity of the stomach. No worries. Immediately falling a sleep. Its to late. 3 am.
  5. natasha2

    Nervosity, boiling, pain in my stomach

    No nervosity or boiling in my stomach. No gastritis. No pain like the rock is in my stomach. No tension in my body.
  6. natasha2

    Stomach nervosity, no bloating

    No nervosity of the stomach or colon. No boiling. Normal stomach acid. Relaxed stomach. No bloating. Normal breathing. No pain in some muscles in my back.
  7. natasha2

    No diarrhea, no nervosity, no anxiety

    No diarrhea. Normal stomach acid. No cramps. No boiling. No bloating. No nervostiy. No fear about my future and the future of my brother and parents. No anxiety or whatever is the cause.
  8. natasha2

    Excessive eating, emotions, hormons...

    Normal eating. Not excessive eating or to eating to often. No emotional and nervosity eating. No pms/hormonal eating. Amen
  9. natasha2

    No stress tension nervosity

    No nervosity. No stress. No bloating or boiling in the stomach. No tension in my stomach and abdomen Stress at work, to much obligations. Emotional stress/break up. Lord help me to relax and sleep tonight and this whole week. Amen
  10. natasha2

    Let this person immediately calls!!

    Lord, let this person immediately calls. I have a feeling that its avoiding me. Horrible feeling. Let nervosity and anxiety be removed.
  11. natasha2

    Waiting for call, nervosity, anxiety, fear

    I wait someones call. Lord, please deliver me from nervosity and anxiety, fear Lord, let this person calls right now and gives positive news for me.
  12. natasha2

    Health, teeth, dental flesh, stomach

    Health of my teeth and dental flesh. Abscess to tooh. Health of my stomach. No gastritis or nervosity.
  13. natasha2

    No nervosity, catching up a sleep

    No nervosity or fear around my future and around healing. Catching up a sleep today, because i slept not well tonight (tooth pain etc, stomach...)
  14. natasha2

    Stomach, gastritis, swallowing

    No problems with swallowing. Opened and healed sinuses. Normal stomach acid. No gastritis. No nervosity.
  15. natasha2

    Digestion, feeling of fever

    Feeling of fever. Normal diggestion. No gastritis. Normal heart beat. (not to fast) No nervosity. I have not slept well.
  16. natasha2

    Healed stomach

    Total health of my body. Especially stomach. No gastritis. Relaxed body. No nervosity or boiling in the stomach. Excellent healthy diggestion.
  17. natasha2

    Tension, nervosity

    No nervosity but peace. No nervosity of the stomach to. No stress or tension feeling. Normal stomach acid.
  18. natasha2

    Stomach, no inflammation or nervosity

    No inflammation or nervosity in my stomach. No gastritis in Jesus name.
  19. natasha2

    Nervosity stomach

    Nervosity of the stomach. Feeling of boiling.
  20. natasha2

    Stomach acid, diggestion, peace, fullfillement

    Normal diggestion. Normal stomach acid. No nervosity of the stomach. Peace in my stomach, mind and heart. Feeling of satisfaction and fullfillement.
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