My neighbour upstairs is very unpleasantly noisy.
He walks like a bear, so that my walls are trembling.
Thank you for praying for peace over him and the whole neighbourhood.
Good sweet sleep.
No tension or nervosity of the stomach or any other stomach issues.
Not eating to much.
No nervosity of the stomach which causes feeling of hunger.
No stress or tension in my mind or body.
Relaxed stomach and body.
Coming to my perfect weight cca 77 kg. (now cca 90 kg)
Perfect strategie, diet, physical activity...
Gastritis causes sometimes breathing...
No nervosity of the stomach or colon.
No boiling.
Normal stomach acid.
Relaxed stomach.
No bloating.
Normal breathing.
No pain in some muscles in my back.
No diarrhea.
Normal stomach acid.
No cramps.
No boiling.
No bloating.
No nervostiy.
No fear about my future and the future of my brother and parents.
No anxiety or whatever is the cause.
No nervosity.
No stress.
No bloating or boiling in the stomach.
No tension in my stomach and abdomen
Stress at work, to much obligations.
Emotional stress/break up.
Lord help me to relax and sleep tonight and this whole week.