
  1. natasha2

    Stomach, diggestion, resolving problems

    Healing of the stomach. No.nervosity of the stomach. No stress no tension. Normal stomach acid. Excellent diggestion. Peace and relaxation in my body mind and soul. Amen. Lord resolve all.problems and remove all spurces of frustration in my life in Jesus name!!
  2. natasha2

    Stomach, diggestion

    Stomach healthy. No diarrhea. Normal stomach acid No nervosity
  3. natasha2

    No diarrhea and other symptoms

    No nervosity. No.nervosity of the stomach. No.stomach flue and consequences. Relaxed peaceful stomach and diggestion Normal stomach acid No possible cramps or tension No diarrhea. Health strength andj oy of theLord
  4. natasha2

    Stomach healing - no.diarrhea

    Peaceful stomach. No nervosity. No diarrhea. No stomach flue consequences.
  5. natasha2

    Caugh, diarrhea, tension

    No irritation to caugh in my bronchees/larynx or any other tube. No.diarrhea. Excellent diggestion No nervosity or tension in my body or stomach.
  6. natasha2

    Recovery, immunity, no nervosity, emot healing

    No nervosity of the stomach. No diarrhea. No flue. Strong immune system .i am on a light food. Rise, soupes, flour. Take food supplememt against diarrhea - D vitamin and yeast. Doctors prescription. I suppose recent break up and emotional hurt cause prolonged recovery. Emotional healing
  7. natasha2

    Stomach, diarrhea...

    Nervosity. Nervosity of my stomach. Sweatimg No diarrhea. Usualy in the morning. I am on a strict diet
  8. natasha2

    No nervosity, strength

    No.nervosity of the stomach. Strength because i am on a strict diet for diarrhea.
  9. natasha2

    No anxity/fear/nervosity

    No nervosity of the stomach No anxiety No fear
  10. natasha2

    Stomach, diggestion, tension

    Normal stomach acid. Stomach and gastrointestinal system healthy and healed in Jesus name. No irritation, inflammation tension, no nervosity of the stomach. Relaxed stomach and body Excellent relaxed diggestion. Evil generational sickness spirits out in the name of Jesus. Blood of Jesus on you...
  11. natasha2

    Complete health

    Complete health. No nervosity of the stomach. No paim in my legg/(nerves/muscles)
  12. natasha2

    Stomach and breathing

    No problems with stomach or breathing. No.nervosity or tension, or heart burn/acid reflux Thank you
  13. natasha2

    No diarrhea, good diggestion

    Normal stomach acid. No diarrhea. No cramps. Normal diggestion. Relaxed state. No tension in a body. No nervosity.
  14. natasha2

    No worry no nervosity

    No worry or nervosity of the stomach. No tension around area of heart and stomach.
  15. natasha2

    Nervositity stomach

    No nervosity in genetal and of the stonach.
  16. natasha2

    No tension or nervosity

    No nervosity or tension.
  17. natasha2

    Diggestion, relaxation

    Normal stomach acid. No nervosity, tension. Relaxed body Good normal relaxed diggestion. No heart burn or similar.
  18. natasha2

    Stomach intestines - relaxed

    No irritation or inflammation of my stomach. Normal stomach acid. No nervosity of the stomach or intestines. Normal good diggestion.
  19. natasha2

    No boiling in my stomach

    No boiling and nervosity of the stomach.(3 days) No gastritis. No pms. (premenstrual syndrom) No whatever is the cause of it.
  20. natasha2

    Stomach issues

    No feeling of boiling in my stomach. No nervosity of the stomach.
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