No diarrhea please. Peaceful mind, emotions and stomach amen. No nervosity of the stomach or digestive system. No gastritis, normal stomach acid. Amen.
No nervosity of the stomach.
No gastritis
No stress, tension.
No diarrhea
I am going to the church today (I was also on Sunday). I am so excited and joyful now because of it. Lord Jesus let the anointing and presence of the Holy Spirit be especially present in the church today and let...
No stress or tension
No gastritis
No nervosity of the stomach
(All - Generational issue).
No worry, unbelief, anxiety, or depression.
Only joy, faith, peace, relaxation.
1) No nervosity especially of my stomach. Normal acid, no tension, no gastritis, no diarrhea.
2) No problems, irritation or swellings or anything wrong in my teeth or dental flesh in Jesus name.
3) Please let me quickly find the person who will finish installation and all that is needed for a...
No nausea. No gastritis. No feeling of vomiting. No pain. No feeling of boiling in my stomach. Normal stomach acid.
No nervosity or tension in my body. amen. No worries, no fears, no anxiety or anything triggering health issues.
No noise please from neighbours. I want to sleep this only 5 hours that left.
No diggestive issues. No pms - period issues.
No.gastritis, no nervosity, no boiling in my stomach.
No worries.
No fears
No anxiety
No nervosity
No nervosity of stomach or intestines.
No diarrhea.
No any stomach flue or gastritis issues.
No occasional headake to.
Lord please resolve all my problems. It affects my health: life partner, new job, new appartement...
No diarrhea please.
No irritation of stomach or intestines.
No stomach.flue
No gastritis
Relaxed stomach.and body
No tension
Complete health and healing.
No nervosity
No.anxiety about my future.
Complete efficiency in my home obligations (cooking, cleanung, declutt, organizing...)
All my needs...
Lord let this pigeon stops making terrible noise (more then 1 hour). This area is very accoustic. I cannot properly sleep and I can hear other people shutting down windows and blinds. It is worse because I have nervosity in the morning when something wakes me up and have troubles to fall asleep...
country: croatia
high blood pressure
joy health energy positivity optimism strength
other people
sweet sleep
terrible noise
No nervosity of the stomach.
No pain bowels/intestines.
No diarrhea.
No inflammation.
Let my period stops because it last for to long. 7 days and it came to early.
Lord pleass help me to heal quickly easily because i have so much work to do in my appartement what i dont usually manage to do...
Dropping to my perfect weight. (From , cca 90 kg to 77 kg - easily healthy way. NO OVEREATING, not eating to often or to late.. No nervosity of my stomach which motivates me to eat.
Health and strength. No tiredness. No gastritis. Normal stomach acid.
No overeating.
No emotional overeating
No hormonal overeating
No depression, anxiety or nervosity
No tension or bloating - stomach.
No.sleeping problems
No strong stomach acid.
Life partner for me.
Lord help me.
It is unbearable this waiting.
Loneliness frustration doubt fear anxiety...
I am 52.
Healh of my stomach.
No nervosity
No gastritis
Soul healed - body healed.
Normal stomach acid.
Health of my whole body
Strength and energy in every cell of my body.
Guidance what to eat, when etc to have healthy and relaxed body and stomach
Healthy eating, exercising, walking, sleeping habits.
Filling of the Holy spirit.
Guidance of the Holy spirit.
No emotional or nervosity overeating or unnecessary snaks or irregular eating.
Healthy habits in sync with...
Normal transition - premenpause period.
No tension or pain in my body.
Everything healthy, normal and regular in my body.
Especially hormons.
Normal sleeping, no tension.
No.lack.of sleeping.
Feeling of burning/nervosity/sometimes bloating stomach.
Fast heart beat.
Not feeling well
Virus or just stomach issue and nervosity.
Sometimes feeling to vomit.
Irritation to caugh.
I need to go to sleep.
Working tomorrow very early