Very urgent please all pray lord please end all every pain every all sickness dieaes inflammation tenderness acid reflux all nausea all fat in my stomach permantly permantly right now please lord never ever to return in jesus namess
Please please please jesus christ end please permantly all every pain discomfort sickness dieaees any bad bacteria all tenderness acid reflux all nausea all fat please in my while stomach permantly right now permantly never ever to return in jesus name heal my stomach please lord in every single...
Very very urgent please all pray lord please end all every pain all every discomfort suffering tenderness sickness dieaess all every pain fat acid reflux all nausea please permantly permantly in my stomach never ever to return ever in jesus christ namess
Lord please please please end all every pain suffering every all sickness inflamation tenderness acid reflux all nausea every all sickness dieaees inflamation please in my stomach permantly permantly permantly please right now never ever to return ever in jesus christ namess
I command all every pain all every sickness all tenderness all inflamation all discomfort acid reflux all nausea all fat leave leave my stomach right now permantly permantly never ever return lord please pleass do this for je now by your power heal heal my stomach eyes lord every part of me...
Very very urgent please please all pray I command in jesus christ name all every stimaxh pain all inflamation all discomfort all tenderness acid reflux all nausea all fat leave leave stomach permantly permantly permantly rught now in jesus name never ever ever return ever in jesus name lord...
Lord please please end all every pain all inflamation all every sickness dieaees discomfort acid reflux all nausea all fat in my whole stomach please permantly permantly permantly right now never ever to return ever in jesus christ namess
Lord please please end all suffering pain all inflamation all tenderness pain acid reflux all nausea all fat in my stomach please lord permantly permantly permantly rught now never ever to return ever in jesus name please lird end all dry watering sore eyes in my eyes permantly now end all...
body life
country: united kingdom
dry watering sore eyes
misery pain
suffering misery pain
suffering pain
tenderness pain acid
I command in jesus christ name the name above every name my stomach be healed healed totally permantly healed in every single way right now in jesus name I command all every stomach pain all stomach inflamation pain discomfort acid reflux all nausea all fat leave my stomach permantly permantly...
Very very urgent please please all.pray lord jesus please end permantly all every pain discomfort inflamation acid reflux all nausea all fat please right now in my stomach never ever to return ij jesus name please lord heal heal heal my stomach in every single way right now please never ever...
Very urgent please please all pray lord my healer please end all every sickness every dieases every bad bacteria all stomach infkanstion all stomach fat bloatedness acid reflux all nausea all every stomach pain discomfort fat please in my whole stomach permantly permantly permantly rught now...
My lord my god please please end permantly all every pain discomfort infkanstion sickness dieaees acid reflux all nausea all fat in my stomach right now permantly forever heal my stomach in every way now end all evedy suffering pain in my body life permantly now never ever to return in jesus...
Lord pleass please end permantly all every sickness all every diesses inflamation pain discomfort tenderness acid reflux all nausea all fat in my stomach please lord right now permantly permantly permantly please never ever ever to return ever in jesus christ name please lord end all dryness...
body health eyes stomach
body life
country: united kingdom
dark circle
dark circle hollow
diseases inflammation pain discomfort tenderness acid
dryness watering pains
inflammation pain discomfort tenderness acid
pain suffering
My lord my god please please end end permantly all every pain every sickness every diesses all inflamation all tenderness all fat acid reflux all nausea dry eyes sore eyes watering eyes all itchy scalp all thin hair asthma every all symptoms of asthma all pain suffering in my body life permantly...
Lord please please end all every pain all every sickness dieaees inflamation discomfort acid reflux all nausea all fat in my whole stomach permantly permantly permantly right now in jesus christ name never ever ever to return ever in jesus name please lord heal my stomach in every way forever...
I command all every stomach sickness pain discomfort tenderness acid reflux all nausea all fat all fat leave my whole stomach permantly permantly right now never ever ever return ever in jesus christ name I commabd my stomach totally permantly healed healed healed healed in every way right now...
I command in jesus name all every stomach sickness dieases every all stomach pain discomfort all stomach tenderness acid reflux all nausea all fat leave my stomach right now permantly never ever return ever in jesus namess
Very very urgent please all pray I need your prayer in jesus name I command all every stomach sickness inflamation acid reflux all every stomach pain discomfort all nausea all fat leave leave my stomach right now permantly permantly permantly never ever ever return ever in jesus name I commdbd...
Very urgent please please all pray lord please touch heal my stomach in every way now please lord permantly remove from my stomach please lird permantly all inflamation permantly all pain discomfort all acid reflux all tenderness all fat all nausea please lord permantly permantly right now never...