
  1. abundantlyblessed

    Very urgent please all.pray lord please please ...

    Very urgent please all.pray lord please please heal my whole stomach in every way now please in jesus name please lord end permantly all every suffering all every pain all every sickness all inflamation all tenderness all ecery discomfort acid reflux all nausea all fat all bloatedness in my...
  2. abundantlyblessed

    Please please please lord heal heal my ...

    Please please please lord heal heal my stomach in every way right now please in jesus christ name please lord end end permantly all every suffering all every pain all every discomfort inflamation discomfort all tenderness acid reflux all nausea all fat please in my stomach body pre permantly...
  3. abundantlyblessed

    My lord my god please please please ...

    My lord my god please please please end all every suffering every all pain all inflamation sickness discomfort all tenderness acid reflux all nausea all fat please lord in my stomach right now permantly permantly never ever ever to return ever in jesus name lord please please please heal my...
  4. abundantlyblessed

    Very very urgent please all pray lord ...

    Very very urgent please all pray lord please please heal my whole stomach in every way now permantly please lord end all every suffering all every pain all inflamation all every discomfort tenderness all fat all acid reflux all nausea permantly permantly rught now never ever ever to return bless...
  5. abundantlyblessed

    Very very urgent lord please make a ...

    Very very urgent lord please make a slot available for ne to get scope for dicyor duncan call me now please without any delay to go for scope lord please please end permantly please all every stomach pain all stomach inflammation all stomach sickness dieaess bad bacteria any ulcers all swelling...
  6. abundantlyblessed

    Lord your word days ask ask and ...

    Lord your word days ask ask and I will recieve please please lord heal my stomach in every way now please lord end end permantly all every suffering all every pain all every sickness all every dieaess all inflamation acid reflux all nausea all fat in my whole stomach please lord permantly...
  7. abundantlyblessed

    Please please please lord heal my stomach ...

    Please please please lord heal my stomach in every way now please lord end all every pain all inflamation all tenderness all soreness all fat avidxredlux every sickness dieases every pain all nausea permantly permantly permantly permantly right now right now never ever to return now in jesus namess
  8. abundantlyblessed

    Lord please please heal my stomach totally ...

    Lord please please heal my stomach totally completely in every way now please in jesus christ name lord please please end all every suffering all evety paik all every sickness dieaess discomfort all tenderness acid reflux all nausea all fat plesse lord in my stomach permantly permantly permantly...
  9. abundantlyblessed

    My lord my god please please please ...

    My lord my god please please please heal my stomach in every single way now please in jesus christ name lord please please please end all every suffering all every pain all every sickness dieaess all infirmity all inflamation all fat all acid reflux all nausea all fat please in mu whole stomach...
  10. abundantlyblessed

    Please please lord end permantly please all ...

    Please please lord end permantly please all every pain all suffering all stomach inflamation all every stomach pain sickness dieaess any bad bacteria acid reflux all nausea all tenderness all fat in my whole stomach please lord permantly rught now never ever to return in jesus name please bless...
  11. needhelpsobad48

    Jesus please let me feel better. I ...

    Jesus please let me feel better. I am severely sick with a bad headache and nausea. Thank you for one of my packages being found. Thank you Jesus, Amen.
  12. abundantlyblessed

    Lord I ask you please please please ...

    Lord I ask you please please please end all every suffering all every pain all evefy sickness dieaees all inflamation all every discomfort tenderness fat acid reflux all nausea in my whole body stomach please lord permantly right now never ever ever to return ever in jesus christ name please...
  13. abundantlyblessed

    Lord please please end permantly all every ...

    Lord please please end permantly all every suffering all every pain all every sickness dieaees all inflamation all acid reflux all nausea all fat please lord in my whole at permantly permantly permantly right now never ever ever to return ever in jesus christ namess
  14. abundantlyblessed

    Lord please please end all suffering all ...

    Lord please please end all suffering all every pain all every sickness dieaess all inflamation all tenderness acid reflux all nausea all fat please lord in my stomach permantly permantly right now never ever ever to return ever lord in jesus namesss
  15. abundantlyblessed

    Lord please please please end all suffering ...

    Lord please please please end all suffering all every pain all every sickness dieaess all inflamation any bad bacteria acid reflux all nausea all fat please jesus in my whole stomach permantly permantly permantly rught now never ever ever to return ever plesse bless me please to get speaking...
  16. abundantlyblessed

    My lord my god please please end ...

    My lord my god please please end all suffering all every pain all every sickness dieaess all inflamation acid reflux all nausea any bad bacteria all fat in my whole stomach body permantly permantly permantly now please lord never ever to return ever bless make mr duncan help me speak to me lord...
  17. abundantlyblessed

    Please please lord end all suffering all ...

    Please please lord end all suffering all every pain all inflamation all every sickness any bad bacteria acid reflux all nausea all fat in my whole stomach body permantly permantly never ever to return in jesus christ namess
  18. abundantlyblessed

    Lord please please heal my whole stomach ...

    Lord please please heal my whole stomach in every way please lord end permantly please all suffering all every pain all inflamation acid reflux all nausea all fat in my whole stomach please permantly rught now never ever ever to return in jesus namess
  19. abundantlyblessed

    Lord please please please heal my stomach ...

    Lord please please please heal my stomach in every way now please in jesus name please lord end all suffering all every pain all every sickness any bad bacteria all inflamation acid reflux all nausea all fat in my whole stomach body permantly permantly right now please lord never ever to return...
  20. abundantlyblessed

    Very very urgent please all pray my ...

    Very very urgent please all pray my lord my god my healer please please heal my stomach in every way now please in jesus name please lord end all suffering all every pain all every sickness all inflamation discomfort all tenderness acid reflux all nausea all fat please in my whoke stomach...
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