
  1. natasha2

    Peace in my neighbourhood, i want to sleep

    Please pray that my neighbour upstairs will stop walking like a bear up and down. My walls are litteraly trembling from his heavy walk. I want to sleep. Its 30 min after midnight. Please pray for peace. The devil is messing up almost every night with my peace and sleep.
  2. natasha2

    Remove wrong, bring right people into my life....no noise in the neighbourhood

    Lord, remove wrong people from me, that will cause me pain and bring to me the right people. Also let all my nieghoburs be quiet. I can hear my upstair neighbour walking very loud and his girlfriend companion laughing very loud. Please it is 30 min after midnight, Lord, let me have an...
  3. natasha2

    Lord, deliver me from noisy neighbours

    Somebody is walking again like a bear through the appartement. My walls are trembling. Please pray that my neighbours will get under great peace and go all to sleep. It is midnight in couple of minutes. Lord, give me nice good sweet sleep, without worries or sorrow. Lord, deliver me from...
  4. natasha2

    Let this neighbour of mine stop making noise finaly

    Please let this neighbour of mine, upstairs, stop harrassing me with noise every night, he is walking like a bear, my walls are trembling. Always after midnight.
  5. natasha2

    noise in my neighbourhood

    please pray that my neighbours will stop being noisy pray for my good sweet sleep its one hour before midnight
  6. natasha2

    Neighbour- noise; sadness, lonliness, my mother treating me bad

    1) no noise, my neiighbour is very noisy, i can hear every step that he makes, even in the toilette, please i want to sleep, he wa,lks like a bear, its 30 min after midnight 2) i am sad and very mad and frustrated, i want husband, i am 51, and no serious candidates, for decades i feel like i...
  7. AngelCali

    Prayers for a resolution for the neighbors ...

    Prayers for a resolution for the neighbors above me that allow their one child to make noise till midnight to harass us and not let us sleep. Please let them move or provide us the funds to move. God Bless 🙏 🙏 🙏
  8. natasha2

    NOISE!!!! I want to sleep, midnight

    PLease pray that my neighbours, numerous family will stop talking loud. I can hear them clearly they are practicaly shouting. I want to sleep. Its almost midnight!!!
  9. AngelCali

    Prayers for peace and quiet the unit ...

    Prayers for peace and quiet the unit above me. They purposely allow their one child To make noise till midnight with no regards that people live below them. Prayers for justice when the new board members get elected on 11/29. God Bless. 🙏 🙏
  10. natasha2

    Noise from neighbour, loud tv, midnight!!!

    Loud tv. Its 30 min after midnight!!!
  11. Anagniosyne

    Morning Lord, my wife returned home past ...

    Morning Lord, my wife returned home past midnight last night, thank you for bringing her home safe. For the way things are phrased it seems I have a short window to show her how I can be better. I will do what I can, but your guidance will be needed, so please help me with that. Please allow me...
  12. natasha2

    No noise from neighbours please!!! Midnight

    Please no noise from neighbours!!!! It is almost midnight. I hear very loud talking and somebody walking like a bear. Please no loud meetings or parties. I hear more people. Probably upstairs. LET THEM ALL GO OUT OR NICELY GO TO SLEEP and let it be peace in my building and my neighbourhood...
  13. Wylandadh

    so tired and distressed

    its 4am here and I still can.t sleep, tried to go to sleep around midnight but was just restless and had agitation and i was getting severely attacked, it felt like the demons were trying to split my soul out of my body or something crazy i kept jerking like i was being ripped apart. I have only...
  14. AngelCali

    Prayers for justice from the noisy neighbors ...

    Prayers for justice from the noisy neighbors above me who don’t mind their one child who makes noise till midnight and later. Amen
  15. natasha2

    Please pray peace over my neigbhours NIGHT NOISE

    No noise froms neighbours. They are listening to loud tv. Its midnight. Please pray peace over them. In the last couple of days they are inviting to many loud people during the day and make noise in the night.
  16. Phaonye

    Please my daughter is since 27 years ...

    Please my daughter is since 27 years she can't talk when is 12-4:00 in the midnight she will be fine and play at that night but when is normal time she can't do anything and I big o think is spiritual problem please I need prayer and help thanks
  17. Carols

    Pray for me to sleep peacefully tonight ...

    Pray for me to sleep peacefully tonight in Jesus name. As Last night I wokup at midnight due to little bit hungry. It happens when gastric starts. I ate fruits and slept back. For God's sake don't let this happen tonight agian.. waking up in mid night due to hungry. I wanto sleep peacefully...
  18. natasha2

    Diggestion; noise neighbourhood

    No diarrhea. Good diggestion. Normal stomach acid. No noise in the neighbourhood. its almost midnight.
  19. Awnir

    Please pray the payment comes in just ...

    Please pray the payment comes in just after midnight and that the heavy bump in the bridge of my nose vanishes
  20. Helplord

    Need prayer next week Monday Tuesday Wednesday ...

    Need prayer next week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Friday working xtra hours 2nd shift 4 pm to midnight I pray my Faimly be supportive cause this welll bring me xtra money that I really need I pray positive vibs n things go smoothly
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