
  1. natasha2

    No noise from neighbours, good sleep

    Please no night noise from neighbours. I want to sleep. Its almost midnight. Pray for my good sleep. Amen And no noise from the outside. Amen Me waking up on time. Catching a train and coming on time fir work. B Tomorrow not being sleepy but healthy and full of energy. I must wake up very early
  2. Wylandadh

    Protection and strength for spiritual warfare

    Please can you pray for me, it's nearly midnight and Yashaya our Saviour wants me to stay up all night praying and fighting against the forces of darkness that assail the church in this Late Hour more than ever. Since He delivered me from the demons of darkness that almost destroyed me, He has...
  3. Wylandadh

    Protection and strength for spiritual warfare

    Please can you pray for me, it's nearly midnight and Yashaya our Saviour wants me to stay up all night praying and fighting against the forces of darkness that assail the church in this Late Hour more than ever. Since He delivered me from the demons of darkness that almost destroyed me, He has...
  4. (Zian)

    Praise the Lord god don't know from ...

    Praise the Lord god don't know from mid night am suffering form full stomach pain plz pray for me.... Amen
  5. Mishive

    my brother Prajith Jacob has been suffering ...

    my brother Prajith Jacob has been suffering very much in the recent days due to nightmares. he also screams while he's having one. it's been happening very frequently in the midnight. he's very depressed. he's been suffering from nightmares for the past 7 yrs. please pray for my brother Prajith...
  6. natasha2

    No tension or pain, good sleep

    Pray that there will be no tension or pain in my body and muscles. No gastritis. And that i will be albe to relax in my whole body and sleep. I just woke up, its midnight.
  7. natasha2

    No noise from neighbours - early rising up

    Its 20 min after midnight and my neigjhbours are to loud. Late family meeting. Please pray that i will have finaly peace. Pray that they will go out or go to sleep. Now!! I must go early to work.
  8. natasha2

    Past midnight, very loud walking, upstairs

    My upstair neibhbour is extreemely loud. Very loud walking (he is overweight), my walls are litteraly trembling and it is past midnight. Unfortunately he is hyperactive to. Going up and down, up and down. Lord, put peace upon him, let him go to sleep.
  9. Antilytrimos

    I have 19 years old daughter who ...

    I have 19 years old daughter who has been suffering from epilepsy attack since 5 years ago, and always at midnight. We have been fasting and praying for her recovery, brother and sisters we need your assistance to pray for her. Her name is onyinye and we live in Nigeria. Thank you and God bless you.
  10. Bebysia

    I need Grace for midnight prayer and ...

    I need Grace for midnight prayer and Grace for fasting and to study my Bible
  11. AngelCali

    Kindly pray for justice from the bullies ...

    Kindly pray for justice from the bullies above me. A begins the job on May 2 and has to be up early. Due to noise till midnight we can’t go to bed early. Unit 307 is breaking CC&Rs. Have the new management company enforce it. God Bless Everyone. 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏
  12. Methpal

    Please pray for me,My legs mysteriously swollen.something ...

    Please pray for me,My legs mysteriously swollen.something moving in my stomach.I can't breathe properly.The worse moment is at midnight.I cannot sleep.pls help me.
  13. natasha2

    No noise from neighbour, midnight, i want to sleep!!!

    Please let my neighbour upstairs stop being loud. I hear every step of his. He is walking up and down, up and down. It is so annoying. He even hits with the hammer something four couple of minutes and it is almost midnight!!! Lord, protect me with the blood of Jesus from any evil, from the...
  14. natasha2

    No noise in the neighbourhood, its midnight!!!

    No noise from neighbours. Somebody is shouting and walking very loud. PEACE!!! Its 15 min past midnight!! Lord, give me rest and good sleep. No evil spirits messing with me, amen.
  15. natasha2

    PLease, neighbour upstairs making noise, i want to sleep!!!

    Please Lord, let my neighbour upstairs stop harrassing me with noise, especially after 10 pm, or after midnight in Jesus name. He is walking like a bear. My walls are like trembling. Horrible. I want to sleep!!! Lord, remove him from this appartement. Let the appartement be empty, let him move...
  16. AngelCali

    God Bless Everyone. Kindly pray for favor ...

    God Bless Everyone. Kindly pray for favor and justice against the noisy unit above me. They allow their one child to make noise till midnight 7 days a week. Please let the new board members to follow the CC&Rs. God Bless. 🙏 🙏
  17. natasha2

    Peace - neighbours, good sleep

    Peace in my neighbourhood. (good sweet sleep) In the moment it is peaceful but sometimes the noise starts after midnight, so please pray against it. Amen
  18. AngelCali

    God Bless Everyone. Please provide me justice ...

    God Bless Everyone. Please provide me justice with the noisy neighbors above me who allow their child to make noise till midnight 7 days a week. Let the new board members follow the CC&Rs. Amen 🙏 🙏 🙏 🙏
  19. natasha2

    No noise from neighbours, good sleep, 1 am

    Its 1:20 after midnight. Please pray that my neighbours will not be noisy. Good sleep sweet for me.
  20. Eidolonel

    Please pray ER accept I’m no longer ...

    Please pray ER accept I’m no longer comfortable to be on after midnight and that Inveroak replace Melissa
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