menstrual cycle

  1. Xykeira duncan

    Dear God, I come before you with ...

    Dear God, I come before you with a hopeful heart, praying for the return of my menstrual cycle. Grant me patience and peace during this waiting period In times of uncertainty, I find relief in your presence and strength. You have always been my rock, guiding me through the storms and comforting...
  2. Onomoxazo

    Prayer for healing

    Father please pray for me that I may be healed of PCOD and that I may have my menstrual cycle smoothly. Sonali
  3. Alirn

    Rare Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

    Hello my name is Brenda I’m 23 years old and I am experiencing a rare medical problem. I bleed heavily in between my menstrual cycle. I am a mother of a sweet little boy and I’ve been told by doctors that I have a uterine artery malformation even though it's not seen on scans. It’s rare and I’ve...
  4. Cammal


    O LORD SHOW ME MERCY I want to request that the LORD grant me deliverance from spirit husband and woman molestation, which has led to the spirit of rejection disfavor. for help barely comes my way, and if help did come, there is always a change of mind.(FAILURE AT THE POINT OF BREAKTHROUGH) FOR...
  5. natasha2

    Weather, teint, beach hollydays, health

    I am on my beach hollydays. Its just very cloudy they are announcing clouds and rain today and two more days. But my God can do anything! Please pray for sun and excellent weather, perfect for sunbathing and swimming. No dangerous currents or winds. No period while i am on my hollydays (menstr...
  6. Urorg

    I humbly bow down before you Lord, ...

    I humbly how down before you Lord, please forgive me for my sins . I have a request for my menstural cycle to regularise and help me beat stress . Secondly , he has exams starting from tomorrow pls be with him and guide him through out . Heal my wounds lord and instil a sense of passion in me...
  7. natasha2

    Period again,?? Health...please no spoiled vacations

    Please pray that I will not have period. From all the stress (to much obligations) my period came today. And it should come on 20.august. lord, please get my menstrual cycle in order. I also go on my beach vacations on 07.august so it would totaly spoil it. Also I had already two periods in my...
  8. natasha2

    Health - me, Helena, my father, my mother

    No nervosity or inflammation of my stomach or intestimes. No irritation, unease or pain. No worries or nervosity in general, anxiety or depression which could be the trigger for my current physical condition. And pray for regulation of my menstr cycle and stoping now (to long and to soon)...
  9. natasha2

    Diarrhea, menstr cycle, saved vacations please

    No nervosity of the stomach. No pain bowels/intestines. No diarrhea. No inflammation. Let my period stops because it last for to long. 7 days and it came to early. Lord pleass help me to heal quickly easily because i have so much work to do in my appartement what i dont usually manage to do...
  10. natasha2

    Pain, nausea, diarrhea, period to stop

    Pain in my bowels. Diarrhea. Nausea. Gastritis. Please pray that this will stop. Also that my period will stop because it lasts for to long now. 7 days. And it came to early. Please pray for regulation of my menstrual cycle and easy menopause transition. Thank you
  11. natasha2

    HEAT WAVE (old parents,), stomach, menstr cycle

    HEAT WAVE. Lord and my family to endure this day and this whole week. Temperature till 37C. Especially my old parents 86 with their chronic sicknesses. Me - no nausea, no gastritis, no diarrhea or any other diggestive issue. Normal.stomach acid.Excellent diggestion. Normal, not...
  12. natasha2

    Menstrual cycle, summer hollydays

    I have some irregularities in a menstrual cycle. I had a pause of 2 months and then a period of 14 days, then to early period (also please moderate and not possible excessive period to not loose to much blood amen)...lord I want it to be stabilized before I enter a menopause. I want to go the...
  13. natasha2

    Stomach, teeth, menstr cycle, high efficiency, no noise

    No noise under my window/balcony. Big can. The man is every 2 min slamming with doors. Putting something in the truck and then another door - drinking water. And the doors are extreemely noisy. 2 guys switching. No problems with my stomach.and teeth. Normal stomach acid, all dammages healed...
  14. Kayla.B

    I ask that you all stand in ...

    I ask that you all stand in agreement with me.. I pray that my period (menstrual cycle) will come on today (june 27th) and i pray that i will NOT get pregnant till i get married! And also please stand in agreement with me that I am not pregnant and that my period comes on today!!! Thank you to...
  15. natasha2

    Amazing summer, Eyes/vision, menstrual cycle,

    Stoping my period now. It lasts for to long now.16 days. Regulation of my menstrual cycle. My old father. Total regeneration of his eyes and vision. No danger of blindness (according to doctors). Double and blurry vision. After cataract, glaucoma and bad surgeries. Pray for my better and...
  16. natasha2

    Menstrual cycle regulation, stomach/gasteitis

    Stop with prayer my period. It already lasts for to long. Started on 06. June., cca 17 days. Regulation of my menstrual cycle. Easy menopause transition. Thank you Normal stomach acid. No gastritis. No nausea, pain or cramps. No stress or tension in my stomach. Also pray that this generational...
  17. natasha2

    Menstr cycle, on time for work

    Stop my period which lasts already for 15 days. Regulation of a menstr cycle. Easy transition to a menopause. To come on time at my working place today. To be there and anywhere else protected from any evil work. Amen
  18. natasha2

    Menstr cycle, stoping period, finances

    Pray that my period will stop. Regulation/stabilization of my menstr cycle. Easy transition to menopauze. Prosperity and financial increase in every area of my life. All debt erased/covered/forgiven...Amen Wisdom concerning relationship to my principle/school.authoritoes and finances...
  19. natasha2

    Menstrual cycle...blindness...wisdom, decisions

    My period must stop now. It lasts already 15 days. Stabilization of menstrual cycle No danger of blindness for my old father. He had cataract, glaucoma, bad eye surgeries and now double and fogy vision. So much that he stumbles on wholes on the street. Wisdom for every area of my life...
  20. natasha2

    Menstrual cycle - period must stop; breast cancer

    Pray that my period will stop now. It lasts already 14 days. Stabilization of my menstrual cycle. My good friend in Christ Helena - breast cancer, heavy overweight, no possible metastasis, no symptoms of chemotherapy please.
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