menstrual cycle

  1. natasha2

    No pain, no pms, no period, normal menstr cycle....### - no eye and throat inflammation

    No period. It is too early. Please pray that I will not have a period till 20.august. Pray for easy menopause transition. No PMS. No unease. No nausea. No digestive issues. No pain. Last time it was too long and too excessive. Pray that my period and menstrual cycle will be...
  2. Corath

    Dear Brothers and Sisters, Please pray so ...

    Dear Brothers and Sisters, Please pray so I can get my menstrual cycle on time lord. Please lord jesus. Heal me and Help my cycle to come and be on time lord jesus.
  3. natasha2

    Menstrual cycle regulation, no period again

    Please pray that any PMS symptoms, and nervosity/tension (hormons), will disappear. So that I can sleep. I cannot sleep properly for 3-4 days. It seems like I will have again a period. Please pray that this will not happen, because I just got rid of it. It was too long and too excessive...
  4. natasha2

    To buy tickets for my favored concert for my ### - deadline ### days

    Please pray that there will be no problems for me to buy a ticket for a concert for my birthday 03.july. No fake tickets, no sold out tickets. To easy buy tickets online (because I am not good in online buying - informatique skills and visibility / clear info on this website, and which part of...
  5. natasha2

    Let my period stops amen

    Lord let this period finally stops. It is excessive occasionally and it started ###. Lord please regulate my period. Let everything around my period hormones and menstrual cycle be regular healthy moderate and normal. Amen Stress, hormones, any possible sickness Lord deal with it in Jesus name...
  6. natasha2

    Couple of morning requests

    1) my period to fully stop, it was to excessive and lasts from ###.june 2) to be very effective in shopping in the next 2-3 hours 3) protected from any evil energy at the market place and in shops - I usually get very upset with sellers that are very manipulative and lie and cheat a lot. Lord...
  7. natasha2

    Excessive period, hormones, digestive issues, dental flesh

    1) My period to finally stop. It is sometimes too excessive but definitely lasts for too long. (From 08.june). Everything normal, healthy, moderate, and regular around my menstrual cycle and hormones and menopause transition. I am soon 54. 2) No swellings or abscesses in my dental flesh. 3) My...
  8. natasha2

    Excessive period and other requests

    1) Please pray that my period will stop. It is excessive and it lasts for too long - from 08.june with little interruptions. 2) Please pray that I will not lack iron or any other element in my body because of too much bleeding. 3) Pray for regular/normal healthy periods and menstrual cycle...
  9. natasha2

    Excessive period...concert/company/###

    1) No excessive period. No 2 periods in a row/no too long period. Everything around menstrual cycle and period, hormones normal, healthy, regular, moderated. Everything revolves around my period and this is awful. I want to attend concerts, have summer vacations, etc., and I cannot do this with...
  10. natasha2

    Very excessive period, Lord help

    Please no very excessive period. It worries me. Menopause irregularity. It's very unpleasant in public places. Please pray that everything around my period and menstrual cycle will be normal healthy regular harmonious including HORMONS.
  11. natasha2

    No excessive period

    No excessive period please. It's very unpleasant. Everything around my menstrual cycle normal, regular, moderate in Jesus name. Amen No worry around this issue. Amen
  12. natasha2

    Excessive period, digestive issues, dental flesh

    No excessive period. Regulation of a menstrual cycle. Everything around it normal healthy regular harmonious. My whole body healthy. No feeling of fever sometimes (can be also from gastritis or outside high temperature). Sleeping well. To eat foods that compensate blood loss. No...
  13. natasha2

    No menstrual issues

    Everything around my menstrual cycle and period to be healthy, normal, moderate, and harmonious. No excessive period and no repeating period in a short time. No pain, unease, nausea, etc. No depression or emotional overeating. Premenopause. Thank you. Also no gastritis, acid reflux, heartburn, etc.
  14. natasha2

    Health, joy, protection, favor, love, attention, respect

    Health. Protection. Peace. Faith. Miracles. Optimism. Positive thinking. Good mood. Favor. Love. Care. Attention. Respect. From everyone. No swellings or abscesses in my dental flesh. Everything around my menstrual cycle and period healthy normal regular moderate.
  15. natasha2

    Excessive Period menstr cycle, prosperity blessing success, protection healing

    Please pray that everything will be all right with my period and menstrual cycle. No excessive period or blockages or irregularity of any kind. Lord heal me and give me harmony and peace in my whole body amen. No nervosity tension digestive issues weird sensations in my body including pain or...
  16. Anonymous

    Menstrual cycle

    Menstrual cycle is ### days late I’ve been prayer for it to come and I’m just so worried a stress and really need the help
  17. natasha2

    Please no very excessive period/menstr cycle

    Please no.### period. Very.### occasionally. Very unpleasant situation. Thank you for your prayers. Everything around my period and menstrual cycle normal. Everything around my digestion normal. No sweating. No digestive issues. Relaxed peaceful body and mind. Everything around my hormones...
  18. natasha2

    To excessive period

    Please no to excessive period. Very unpleasant situation. Thank you Lord. Please moderate period and menstr cycle normal.
  19. natasha2

    Diarrhea, excessive period

    No problems with my digestion, diarrhea, stomach acid, nausea. No problems with my hormones or menstrual cycle or period. Not to excessive period. Amen No problems with teeth or dental flesh. No swellings or abscesses.
  20. natasha2

    Scratch wound, PMS, dental.flesh...noise

    No pms symptoms. Everything around my menstr cycle normal healthy and regular. No nausea, no feeling of vomiting. No pain/bloating...Normal stomach acid. No delay or blockage of my period if there is any. No pain or irritation on my hip (scratch wound). No traces of bleeding. Quick healing. No...
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