I’m Martha and I drank a quarter of a cup of kefir yesterday afternoon and I also put some ear drops to remove wax on my ears. I feel dizzy and I don’t know if if was the kefir since I have read it can cause dizziness or if it’s the ear drops or a combination of both. I feel dizzy and weak...
I’m Martha. I drank some kefir yogurt and also put some wax remover ear drops on my ears today. Now I’m dizzy and I don’t know if it’s because of the kefir or the ear drops or because I’m dehydrated. Please, pray this dizziness go away and my balance returns and my ears are healed. I’m truly...
My name is Martha and yesterday I used a face mask when I was showering and this morning I feel itching inside my nose and on my face and I don’t know if this is due to the face mask plus my seasonal allergies. Please, pray this allergic reaction go away :(
I’m Martha. My left ankle is hurting a lot and looks a bit swollen. I don’t remember injuring my ankle. My whole left leg and foot hurts. I think it’s menopause?? please, pray the swelling in my left ankle goes down and it stops hurting!!
I’m Martha. I Need prayers I seem to be having an anxiety attack today. Please, pray my breathing goes back to normal and I don’t have any heart issues.mr eyesight is being affected too from the hyperventilating :(
I’m Martha and I’m worried as my oldest daughter who is a nurse applied for a job and she got an offer to be a nurse at a local hospital but she smoked some pot about a month ago and she needs to pass a drug test to be able to start this job and she is worried and took an at home test to see if...
I’m Martha. I need prayers. I had diarrhea yesterday and because I didn’t go to the bathroom fast enough until later, this morning I feel I can’t have a bowel movement. Please, pray I’m able to pass a bowel movement. I beg you. Thank you all.
My name is Martha and I have have been feeling discomfort on my right ear Since yesterday. I also hear little bubble like noises in it. Please, pray is not an insect that crawled into my right ear. Going to see doctor today. Please, pray the doctor finds the cause of this noises and pain and...
Am Martha and ever seems i grow up none of my things are going well everything is upside down my life is confusing, spiritual husbands attacks me,baf luck is all i know whatsoever i get will vanish
I’m Martha. I need urgent prayers. Two days ago I helped my mom bring a couple of boxes downstairs. She helped me hold the boxes but boxes were heavy and now I feel some discomfort around the pelvic area. Please, pray my womb and my bladder and didn’t move out of place as I feel pain all around...
Praise the Lord! I am Martha, 23 years old. I have started to watch your talk nowadays. I am writing this mail for asking for your prayers as I am having some sign's of Vitiligo (whiting of skin) on my legs and lips. Another thing for which I need your prayer support is that i have completed my...
My name is Martha. I ate some Korean bbq yesterday and two or three hours after that I started having some pain on the lower right side of the abdomen. I don’t know if it’s my right ovary but I hope is not my gall bladder. Please, pray whatever organ in my body is sick and causing this pain to...
My name is Martha. Please, Please, pray for me. I put on some expired ear drops and also got COVID almost at the same time. Now my right ear won’t stop ringing. I’m Worried. I have suffered from tinnitus since I was 16 but now the ringing seems worse. Please, pray it stops and both my ears are...
I’m Martha and I need prayers. I’m still Sick with COVID and this morning I feel a bit dizzy. Please, pray this dizziness go away. I’m so tired of being sick! I need to be healed of this COVID illness. Please, pray this illness go away.
I’m Martha. I have COVID and my entire household has COVID. I have lost my sense of taste and smell and my arms hurt a lot since I got sick. Please, pray me and my family are healed of this dreadful llenas. I’m tired of being sick. Have not been able to work for a week now. Thank you all!
I’m Martha. I have COVID, but doctor had given me some antibiotics for a supposed sinus infection before I knew I had COVID I have been taking azythromycin since two days ago and my left arm started hurting too badly. I’m not taking those antibiotics tomorrow anymore. I feel so sick!! Please...