
  1. Mename1

    I’m Martha and last night after I ...

    I’m Martha and last night after I came from a 5 hour trip by car. The floor was wet and slippery from all the rain that fell here at my house and I missed the step at the entrance of my house and fell on my knees. How my right knee looks swollen and I can see some varicose veins on the swelling...
  2. Mename1

    My name is Martha and I need ...

    My name is Martha and I need prayers for my health and also for a new job. I have prayed and prayed for a new, more exciting job for the past 25 years but nothing. Is as if God himself and Jesus and all of his archangels in heaven have forgotten about me :( It’s been 25 years of prayers (mine...
  3. Mename1

    I’m Martha and I started having really ...

    I’m Martha and I started having really bad heartburn yesterday and is still happening today. Please, pray this burning feeling and the sensation of swelling and something stuck on my throat is resolved and my throat and esophagus are healed. Thank you all.
  4. Mename1

    I’m Martha and I need urgent prayers ...

    I’m Martha and I need urgent prayers again. Please, pray my bladder goes back to normal. I feel like I can’t empty my bladder very well since Thursday when I held my pee and my bladder hurt after that :( also I can’t feel if I have to pee. That got worst since Thursday. I’m having so many issues...
  5. Mename1

    I’m Martha and I still have problems ...

    I’m Martha and I still have problems emptying my bladder after I held pee for 2 hours 2 days ago. Please, pray my bladder is healed from this and pray my urine comes out with no problem I beg you all 😭
  6. Mename1

    I’m Martha. Last night I held my ...

    I’m Martha. Last night I held my pee for two hours and now I feel discomfort on my bladder and my bladder is sore. Please, pray my bladder and kidneys are healed. I have been having issues with my bladder and Incontinence for so long. Lord help me!!
  7. Mename1

    I’m Martha. Please, pray they give me ...

    I’m Martha. Please, pray they give me the job I interviewed for 1 week ago. Pray they call me soon. I can’t do my present job any longer, my brian is exhausted. I also need prayers for my eyes. I have been having blurred vision on my left eye for a while. Please, pray my eyesight improves. I...
  8. Mename1

    I’m Martha and after I threw up ...

    I’m Martha and after I threw up this morning some coffee seems like some of the coffee seemed to have gone up my nostrils from behind my throat. I still feel some discomfort. Please, pray if there is some coffee stuck in my nose that it comes out. I beg you all :( is a weird feeling :(
  9. Mename1

    I’m Martha and after I threw up ...

    I’m Martha and after I threw up this morning some coffee seems like some of the coffee seemed to have gone up my nostrils from behind my throat. I still feel some discomfort. Please, pray if there is some coffee stuck in my nose that it comes out. I beg you all :( is a weird feeling :(
  10. Mename1

    My name is Martha. I went to ...

    My name is Martha. I went to a job interview yesterday. It’s a job I have never done before so I think I did ok on the interview but then again I’m always too hard and judgmental on myself. Please, pray they give me a chance and I get the job. Thank you all. God bless you!!
  11. Mename1

    I’m Martha. I have a job interview ...

    I’m Martha. I have a job interview in person tomorrow noon. Please, please, pray I get the job since the one I have is so stressful, and pray they allow me to telecommute (work from home) since I live one hour away from this job :( I beg you all!!!
  12. Mename1

    I’m Martha. I need prayers. I have ...

    I’m Martha. I need prayers. I have a job interview next Monday. Please, pray I don’t get too anxious at the interview and pray I get the job and they allow me to telecommute (work from home) since this job is an hour away from my home :( I beg you all. Thank you. God bless you!!
  13. Mename1

    My name is Martha. I Need prayers ...

    My name is Martha. I Need prayers again. I have been having a discomfort on the left side of my abdomen since yesterday. I have a job interview soon. Please, pray this pain go away and whatever organ is causing this pain to be healed and please pray I get the job. I beg you all! God bless you
  14. Mename1

    I’m Martha. I still have a red ...

    I’m Martha. I still have a red Vein on my left eye and also lots of ringing on my right ear to get just started today. Please, Pray the ringing on my ears gets better especially On right one. Also pray this red blotch on my left eye go away. I beg you all To pray for me :( I’m So depressed!!!
  15. Mename1

    I’m Martha and I got a red ...

    I’m Martha and I got a red vein on the white part of my left eye after I studied for a test. Please, pray this red vein goes away it looks ugly :( Thank you all.
  16. Mename1

    I choke on food easily

    I’m Martha and need lots of prayers for my eyes. I’m truly Worried. I have been having so many issues with my eyes (blurred and poor vision) and my ears (ringing in both ears especially right one). I also choke easily on food and get dizzy. Please, pray my ears nose and throat are healed. I beg...
  17. Mename1

    I’m Martha. Please, pray for me. Last ...

    I’m Martha. Please, pray for me. Last night I was eating too fast or I was too hungry and I almost choked on food, it fel as I I had aspirated a very small particle of food and this morning It feels as if a small particle of food was still there. Please, pray whatever it is there comes out or...
  18. Mename1

    My name is Martha and I’m having ...

    My name is Martha and I’m having an anxiety attack and difficulty breathing, please, pray this anxiety go away and my breathing goes back to normal. I’m worried about my heart. Lord have mercy on me.
  19. Mename1

    I’m Martha. I Need prayers. I have ...

    I’m Martha. I Need prayers. I have been having blurred vision due to allergies but also due to old age. I have poor eyesight. Please, pray my eyesight improves. I beg you all. Thank you.
  20. Ralmolan

    Pray for my daughter Martha for employment.Restoration ...

    Pray for my daughter Martha for employment.Restoration of my health.
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