Lord yoir words say ask ask and I will recieve I ask you please please lird remove totally dissolve please lord all every fat from my whole stomach hips whole body permanently right now never to return ever plesse please lord make my whole stomach please totally totally incredibly flat tonned...
Ord thank you for the money I have savings I have benifits I have thank you lord that your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please please bless and please please multiply multiply multiply please lord my finances my financial income savings now rigjt now please please lord in...
Happy Easter to everyone. May the Lords blessings come to your life, to your home and to those you are praying for. Jesus is alive forever more and He is coming soon to take us all home to heaven. Pray for the unsaved who refuse to come to the altar of God and give themselves to Jesus. Pray for...
Tomorrow - sunday i must speak to one person. It is something serious and i have fear/anxiety about it. Lord give me peace and victory over that situation. My heart is racing. Lprd show me your love and healing and protection. Amen..protect my heart and emotions in Jesus name
Lodd Jesus please restore the health of my husband DICKA MPOME MICHEL, my mother, ako Catherine Etchu, Estelle Gisele jemea, moukala MPOME Agnes, ako Peter Ayukegba. Break the chain of untimely death from my husband family. In Jesus mighty name amen
catherine etchu estelle gisele jemea moukala
country: cameroon
husband dicka mpome michel
mighty name
peter ayukegba
untimely death
Praying for our nation. May God hear my prayers and know my heart. I pray for rest tonight. I want to sleep and forget it now. Please Lird hear me and answer my prayer. Speak to T Lord. Keep his heart only for M.
Praying for our nation. May God hear my prayers and know my heart. I pray for rest tonight. I want to sleep and forget it now. Please Lird hear me and answer my prayer. Speak to T Lord. Keep his heart only for M.
I am in extreme financial trouble. I am about to lose my house and the utilities are set for cut off. I don't have money for food or gas and I won't get paid for 2 weeks. I need the Lord's help. I don't know where to go or what to do.
Thank you for the money I have savings I have benifits I have thank you lord that your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please lord bless and please please multiply multiply please please lord my finances my financial income savings please please lird right now please lord in...
Dear Heavenly Father, as in prayer last night he’ll me through today. Already starting slow as I did not sleep much last night because of the baby. Help meLord and help my family and friends. Be with us and help us to shine your light. I love you.
Thank Lord for all blessings!!Please pray for Lords healing power and salvation in MK, JH, CN, LP, IM, 11-year-old who is having suicidal thoughts, and a young mom who is struggling with PTSD difficult emotions giving all praise and credit to Lord thank you
please make my mosm stop yelelign at Lor dplease help!!!!!PLease Lor dhelp her calm down PLEAS EI BEG YOU also do all iny our power to lower my grandma sblodo pressure. my mom accidnrtally fell on her.. LOrd so many problems pelase help lOr dhela my
Lor dpleas esne dosmeone into my life to befirend me. I need a firend so bad.. someone who care about me. Please God send me a firned. PLEASE LORD have emrcy
Lor di accidentally punched my mom in the nose.. you knwo the stroy can you pelas ehal her and my grandma who is in extreme painbecuase she cant get rid of waste.ugh all i wanted to do was help and this happened. i dotn wínt to live anmore.. MY entire life i bossed aorund. i dont knwo why i have...
My daughter's in home daycare babysitter is retiring after 40 years. She was wonderful and my daughter has been with her for 2+ years. Her cousins also attend the same place for daycare. We are in a rut, and looking for someone to care for our girls. We need the Lord's Guidance and help to find...