
  1. Anonymous

    Lird your words say ask ask and ...

    Lird your words say ask ask and I will recieve keep on asking asking that my joy gladness work be full I thank you lord for the money I have savings I have benifits I have I ask you please please bless and please please multiply multiply please please lord my finances my financial income savings...
  2. Anonymous

    Lird your words Says if you abide ...

    Lird your words Says if you abide in me and my words abide in you I can ask for whatever I wish and I will be given I stand on your words lord this is so so very important to me my confidence I ask you please please please bless me me please please lord to please please look alot alot alot...
  3. Anonymous

    Lird yoir words say ask ask and ...

    Lird yoir words say ask ask and I will recieve I ask you please please please bless me please lord to please please win the amount if money I desure written on my bedroom wall please please in the euro millions tickets I buy out on now please without any delay please do this for me please in...
  4. Banisones

    Kindly prayer for Vincent Anthony Mascarenhas, so ...

    Kindly prayer for Vincent Anthony Mascarenhas, so that his creatine level may reduce and his kidney may start to function the way OurLord created it to function, also to reduce the water retention in Vincent Anthony Mascarenhas legs and body. Please prayer
  5. Fenwroki

    I need a repentant heart. I was ...

    I need a repentant heart. I was in a local church doing the Lords work but l did somethings wrong got into guilt and depression. I usually give half of what l earn but now l dont have the willingness to, l dont go to church cos it causes more fear.
  6. Rocky menezes

    I am suffering from CKD(cronic kidney deciss ...

    I am suffering from CKD(cronic kidney deciss ) from long time.now I need our lords blessings to recover my illness. I need your prayers.so I request you please pray for me . Thank you jesus.
  7. Kaghel

    pleas epray fo rmy grnamda who is ...

    pleas epray fo rmy grnamda who is very ill. rpay tha t physicians appoitns goes wella nd and Gdo is with us,.pelas epray for my whoel fmaiyl suffeirng form illness. pelas elOr dhave mercyheal us.. please PEASE thanky you for oyur prayers
  8. Anonymous

    I need the Lord's help, deliverance and ...

    I need the Lord's help, deliverance and solution. Please pray against anything evil also.
  9. Kaghel

    pleas elOrd God almighty please hela my ...

    pleas elOrd God almighty please hela my grandma Schneider Vilmosné form small bowel obstruction snydrome pelas ehal her deformed body strengthen her for oyur Glory. please give me wistdom strength energy and and allt ha tis needed to help care for her. Help me do my job. help my mom heal my moms...
  10. Kaghel

    pleas elOrd God almighty please hela my ...

    pleas elOrd God almighty please hela my grandma Schneider Vilmosné form small bowel obstruction snydrome pelas ehal her deformed body strengthen her for oyur Glory. please give me wistdom strength energy and and allt ha tis needed to help care for her. Help me do my job. help my mom heal my moms...
  11. abundantlyblessed

    Lord I ask you please please please ...

    Lord I ask you please please please multiply multiply please the whole hair on my whole head incredibly abundantly in every way please lord rigjt now more more every day please please please lird make my whole hair please incredibly abundantly alot alot thicker fuller alot alot longer stringer...
  12. abundantlyblessed

    Lord it is not not good to ...

    Lord it is not not good to live alone be alone have mercy on me lord I have lived in my own 20 years please please please lird bless me me please wuth the total total very very best ever god given god divine right husband partner soul mare best friend please lord thats right for me in every way...
  13. Existiastos

    Load and saviour Jesus Christ give me ...

    Load and saviour Jesus Christ give me wisdom to overcome this world.
  14. Sparklee

    Thank Lord for all blessings!!Please continue to ...

    Thank Lord for all blessings!!Please continue to pray for Lords healing power and salvation in MK, JH, CN, LP, IM, 11-year-old who is having suicidal thoughts, and a young mom who is struggling with PTSD difficult emotions. L who has special needs children and her husband is abusive considering...
  15. Altherq

    Lord please it is my time and ...

    Lord please it is my time and my turn, I pray and ask for financial breakthrough for my parents also a miraculous increment by 10 in my academic results at the end of this semester. Committing my incoming end of semester examination into the Lord's hands which starts in two weeks time, that the...
  16. Anonymous

    Lord I ask you please please bless ...

    Lord I ask you please please bless me please with all every one of the deepest deepest desires of my heart please lord big huge tiny or small now rigjt now please without any delay realise them all to me now please without aby delay fifil them all now please without aby delay please lird in...
  17. abundantlyblessed

    Very urgent my lird my god a ...

    Very urgent my lird my god a womens hair is her crown you lird are the maker creator of all hair nothing nothing is impossible for you your words say ask and I will recieve I stand on your words lord I ask you please please multiply multiply please lord the whole hair on my whole head please...
  18. Anonymous

    Lird yoir words say ask and I ...

    Lird yoir words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please please remive all all every fat please please lord from my whole stomach hips whole body permanently in evefy way right now please lord never ever to return ever in jesus christ namess please please make my stomach please please...
  19. abundantlyblessed

    Lird a womens hair is her crown ...

    Lird a womens hair is her crown you lird ate tge maker creator of all hair nothing nothing is impossible for you your words say ask and I will recieve I ask you please please lord make my whole hair please please lord incredibly incredibly abundantly alot alot alit thicker in every wah alot alot...
  20. abundantlyblessed

    My lord my god thank you for ...

    My lord my god thank you for the money I have savings I have benifits I have thank you lord that your words say ask ask and I will recieve I stand on your words lord I ask you please please bless and please please multiply multiply please lord my finances my financial income savings now rught...
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