God ur only our hope in land issue so many problems going on plz God solve that issues in your name big names are involved we can't stop them to enter in our land but u will fight for us God... Amen
Am praying for land issue that is not solving and becoming complicating itself i believe you will fight ourside and give us justice... Am praying for myself stay with me and guide in every situation and take your side soon God... Amen
Am praying for land issue that is not solving and becoming complicating itself i believe you will fight ourside and give us justice... Am praying for myself stay with me and guide in every situation... Amen
Praise the lord God am praying for land issue so many people are doing something we don't know God what is it we believe that u will their in every situation and u will fight ourside i believe in you... Amen
Praise the lord God am praying for brother whatever job he is doing stay with him... Am praying for land issue solve in your name God am praying for mother and father health... Am praying for myself plz stay in life and am praying for salaries... Amen
Praise the lord God am praying for brother whatever job he is doing stay with him... Am praying for land issue solve in your name God am praying for mother and father health... Am praying for myself plz stay in life and am praying for salaries... Amen
Praise the lord God am praying for brother whatever job he is doing stay with him... Am praying for land issue solve in your name God am praying for mother and father health... Am praying for myself plz stay in life and am praying for salaries... Amen
Praise the lord God am praying for brother whatever work he is doing stay with him and give him benefit... Am praying for land issue solve in your name God am praying for mother and father health in your name God am praying for myself stay with me in every situation... Am praying am losing...
Praise the lord God am praying for brother whatever work he is doing stay with him and give him benefit... Am praying for land issue solve in your name God am praying for mother and father health in your name God am praying for myself stay with me in every situation... Am praying am losing...
Praise the lord God am praying for land issue what was going on we didn't know but i hope you will there in every situation with us give us knowledge and patience to see ur miracle... Amen
Praise the lord God am praying for brother whatever work he is doing stay with him and give him benefit.... Am praying for land issue so many political people are involving and creating hurdles plz God stay with us and give us justice in your name God... Am praying for mother health and give her...
Praise the lord God am praying for brother whatever work he is doing stay with him and give him benefit.... Am praying for land issue so many political people are involving and creating hurdles plz God stay with us and give us justice in your name God... Am praying for mother health and give her...
Praise the lord God am praying for brother whatever work he is doing stay with him and give him benefit.... Am praying for land issue so many political people are involving and creating hurdles plz God stay with us and give us justice in your name God... Am praying for mother health and give her...
Praise the lord God am praying for brother whatever work he is doing stay with him and give him benefit.... Am praying for land issue so many political people are involving and creating hurdles plz God stay with us and give us justice in your name God... Am praying for mother health and give her...
Praise the lord God am praying for brother whatever work he is doing stay with him and give him benefit.... Am praying for land issue so many political people are involving and creating hurdles plz God stay with us and give us justice in your name God... Am praying for mother health and give her...
Praise the lord God am praying for brother whatever work he is doing stay with him and give him benefit.... Am praying for land issue so many political people are involving and creating hurdles plz God stay with us and give us justice in your name God... Am praying for mother health and give her...
Praise the lord God am praying for land issue so many political people are involving and creating hurdles plz God stay with us and give us justice in your name God... Am praying for brother give him benefit whatever work he is doing and stay with him... Am praying for mother health and for...
Praise the lord God am praying for brother whatever work he is doing stay with him... Am praying for mother health and give her patience for father health and responsibilities towards family... Am praying for land issue so many political people are involving and creating hurdles plz God...
Praise the lord God am praying for brother whatever work he is doing stay with him... Am praying for mother health and give her patience for father health and responsibilities towards family... Am praying for land issue so many political people are involving and creating hurdles plz God...