Praise the lord God am praying for brother, mother, father look after them God... Am praying for land issue solve in your name God... Am praying for office maintain peace in office God and provide our salaries in your name God... Am praying for keerthi look after her in office and out side in...
Praise the lord thank you God for decreasing rainfall God... Am praying for brother, mother, father keep them safe and protect them God... Am praying for land issue solve the issue in your name and provide them home God... Am praying for office stay with them and provide them salaries God... Am...
Praise the lord God thank you God for stop the praying for my brothers they are traveling stay with them and protect and reach them safely praying for mother plz look after her some people are involving her in unwanted issues plz look after her and stay with her praying for...
Praise the lord God thank you for everything u done yesterday for us God praying for brothers he is out of station stay with praying for mother and father bless them with good praying for land issue solve in your name praying for office whatever problems...
Praise the lord God thank you God when I travel in car there is not vomitings this time 2marow also traveling is there God look after me God praying for brother he went Vijayawada be with him thanks for his journey praying for father and mother give them health and took them in your...
Praise the lord God thank you God when I travel in car there is not vomitings this time praying for brother he went Vijayawada be with him in traveling God praying for father and mother give them health and took them in your protection and keep them away from praying...
Praise the lord God am praying for family issues whatever have plz solve in your name God and am praying for land issue plz help us God and am praying for office we went to talk with officials to continue my project plz God stay with us and show ur miracle in your name God 2marow also we have to...
Praise the lord God am praying for family whatever problems is there plz look into them and solve in your name God praying for brother make him responsible to family and solve his financial problems whatever he has...for mother she always think about financial problems give her peace and...
Praise the lord God am praying for family whatever problems is there plz look into them and solve in your name God praying for brother make him responsible to family and solve his financial problems whatever he has...for mother she always think about financial problems give her peace and...
Praise the lord God am praying for brother and mother both r arguing about financial problems give brother knowledge responsible for family and for mother give her knowledge money is not everything in world plz God praying for office help us to continue project everyone financial support...
Praise the lord God but in my family and life all basic living things are not there what should we do God losing jobs ,no house ,no support in family now am feeling am worthless to live plz show ur miracle in my family...Now also I believe u will show us a way God praying for parents look...
Praise the lord God but in my family and life all basic living things are not there what should we do God losing jobs ,no house ,no support in family now am feeling am worthless to live plz show ur miracle in my family...Now also I believe u will show us a way God praying for parents look...
Praise the lord God am praying for our office managers who are waiting for commissioner give them patience and whatever purpose they go fulfill that work in your name God am praying for all keep them safe praying for brother whatever he is doing give him praying for balamani...
Praise the lord God am praying for our office managers who are waiting for commissioner give them patience and whatever purpose they go fulfill that work in your name God am praying for all keep them safe praying for brother whatever he is doing give him praying for balamani...
Praise the lord God am praying for all protect them from praying for brother what he is doing we don't know but u will look after him praying for mother and father unite them in your name God ...For land issue plz God solve that ...for Keerthi look after her in office and...
Praise the lord God am praying for all protect them from praying for brother what he is doing we don't know but u will look after him praying for mother and father unite them in your name God ...For land issue plz God solve that ...for Keerthi look after her in office and...
Praise the lord God am praying for all who are facing problems in their life give them strength to overcome praying for land issue kindly plz solve God praying for brother rajsekhar become him responsible towards his family whatever work he is doing provide him success God ... Am...
Praise the lord God am praying for all who are facing problems in their life give them strength to overcome praying for land issue kindly plz solve God praying for brother rajsekhar become him responsible towards his family whatever work he is doing provide him success God ... Am...
Praise the lord God am praying for all who are facing problems in their life give them strength to overcome praying for land issue kindly plz solve God praying for brother rajsekhar become him responsible towards his family whatever work he is doing provide him success God ... Am...