Please pray that any wickedness working against me out of Jealousy to destroy my finances and home ownership will be rendered null & void. Rendering the enemy defeated and destroyed. Thanks In Advance
Eleshia M Smith
Dear Lord, please save me from torturers and doers. Please save me from reclaiming and revenging. Please save me from jelousy and my enemies. In Jesus name. Amen
I Ms Tradawn M Seeking Prayer. I Pray God Change The Hearts Of Me And My Mother Neighbors . They Hate Us Out Of Jealousy And Envy. They Want Us To Fight And Go To Jail So We Can Get Evicted. We Are Believers And These People Is So Demonic And Very Proud Of Being Coldhearted. God Bless
I lost the job i had for no reason.Please pray gor me to find a better one cause i face financial problems .Someone tries to destroy me cause of jealousy and evil.Pray gor Jesus to help me
Please pray for the doors to open and the lord to place me in a place that is not toxic and full of jealousy. For my family and for my mental health. I appreciate these prayers
Please pray for one of my closest friend and sister in Christ. She plagued with the spirit of jealousy towards me. I
Though I have pulled back, this sister in Christ is relentless and feel like I am in bondage in the friendship.
She has lots of wonderful qualities but she wants all the...
please pray for my relationship to be restored. I pray that Ernesto Trevino will be healed of his jealousy and insecurities towards me Griselda Arismendez. I ask God to restore our relationship with peace love and trust. In Jesus name I pray
I do not want to get married in family pressure. My mind does not work this way. I feel like brain hamrage. Please pray that I would not get pressure from my family for marriage and I will get married in piece of God. I am getting man Ego and abuse when I look for marriage and from female...
hello.please pray for God to keep me a d my family safe from all harm especially from jealousy and envy and strive and division also that if I get a divorce that it doesn't turn violent towards me and my kids thank you
I Jacqueline Writing Seeking Prayer. My 2 Older Sisters Beverly And Linda Sowed Witchcraft On Me And My Daughter Tradawn Lives Out Of Jealousy And Envy. We Have Had So Chaos , Confusion,Harassing Spirits,Monitoring Spirits,Pain , Fear,Attached To Us Because They Wanted Us To Die . I Pray God...
I want to pray for the Muslim people in the world, those who are fighting and those who are not. I would like them to stand back and recognize that God is a God of love and that his son Jesus is a just and caring entity that all can come to and get everlasting life. I want to pray that the...
Pray for my mother to be healed from paralysis and deliver her from jealousy from her job site . I pray for my green card to be approved , for excellence in my education , career and gifting . I pray to be engaged to the love of my life this time by next year . Amen
Please, may their be a stop put on the girl trying to mess with me because of her jealousy. May she stop and no one believe her anymore, including my boss.
My five year old daughter is experiencing that one of two best friends are finding a new best friend. There is jealousy and excluding my daughter. I am scared that she is really sad and that I dont have the tools to support her,since I struggle with relationship as a grown up due to trauma. It...
I'm so depressed that I'm not getting job offers. I had two interviews, and one job ghosted me, and the other one put the job posting right back up. I'm a single mom. I just let go of a previous job because of bullying and jealousy. They threatened to fire me. I went to HR and still got...
I'm so depressed that I'm not getting job offers. I had two interviews, and one job ghosted me, and the other one put the job posting right back up. I'm a single mom. I just let go of a previous job because of bullying and jealousy. They threatened to fire me. I went to HR and still got...