Asking prayer against a spiritually corrupt and rogue family member engulfed in jealousy and doing all he can to bring me down. Asking the Lord to judge the situation and expose him and the issue, that his works has the opposite effect. That there be no hindrances or retaliation of the enemy.
Lord, move in a mighty way on my behalf, our behalf. Lord, please help me if any jealousy comes to my mind. Heal my mind. Lord, heal me in a mighty way. If there is anything or thought in me that is not of your word, remove it right now. We love you and thank you. Asking big God! Asking big! Amen.
Asking prayer against a spiritually corrupt and rogue family member engulfed in jealousy and doing all he can to bring me down. Asking the Lord to judge the situation and expose him and the issue, that his works has the opposite effect. That there be no hindrances or retaliation of the enemy.