My Comfort, my Sheperd, Jesus alone will lead us all to His holy presence in heaven where a Crown of Life awaits for you and for me. I sing for joy at the Word of the Lord. He will bless us when we honor His name. Please pray that all our young people will be saved and be on their way to heaven...
Coming to His holy presence with a gift of praise, loving Him and adoring HIs holy name. Wonders of wonder, God is worshipped and adore in the past and for ages to come in heaven above. Unconditional love with reverence and awe down deep in our heart is this.
Though He brings grief, He...
32 true love
country: bolivia
healthy living
heavenly relationship
holy name wonders
passionate bond
unconditional love
unfailing love lamentations
Pray for all the elders in our church who do a wonderful job for the Lord. Pastoral guidance, Sunday school teachers and loving others just as Jesus loved them. O Lord, bless them and lead them all to Your holy presence. Amen
He has sent us here to earth to praise and glorify His holy name all the days of our life. So, let us all thank God for giving us another day to praise and glorify Him alone, becasue He alone is worthy of all praise.
I will praise the Lord who counsels me, even at night my heart instructs...
Most blessed and merciful Father in heaven. Lord I just want to say thanks for the calm within. I now understand what Philippians 4:7 means....Your peace has made it possible for me to rest. Lord, please continue to stay close, help me to feel Your holy presence and teach me how to listen to...
character traits
country: united states
ex boyfriend jo
fiery holy spirit
flood gates
livestock finances health
spirit realm
thine faithfulness
witchcraft power
Holy, holy, holy are You Lord... the elders and the angels bow, the redeemed will worship You now. Holy are You Lord our God and worthy of all glory.
He is the radiance of the glory of the Father who loved us with an everlasting love and His care and mercy will never ever depart from those who...
O' God almighty, through your son our Lord Jesus Christ please help me and my family the Nnawuchi's in every aspect of life, bless our spiritual life in thy holy presence. Bless me with a good and steady work, O' God I wish and desire to work in the new coming rig for Chevron, I want promotion...
brother chidi
country: nigeria
future wife mary
marital settlement
new body parts
new coming rig
open doors
servant pastor jerry eze
steady work
Requesting prayers for my church to be full of the glory of God the Father so lost people of our city will come in and feel the holy presence of Jesus and be saved and be on their way to heaven. Jesus is waiting for them with open arms to bless them, help them and heal their troubled soul. In...
I am not worthy to enter into Your holy presence o God almighty. I am so sorry for all of my sins and for making your heart full of pain. Forgive us, cleanse us, purify our hearts. We want to come to You and ask for mercy and compassion. There is no other place safe and secure we can be...
As we gather together to praise, honor and glorify the Lord our God, satan will do anything at his disposal to make us all miss our way to heaven and stop our singing to Jesus. He knows that the Lord delights in the praises of those who love HIm. As we join together as one body and hear and...
Father in heaven how we love You, we lift Your name in all the earth, may Your kingdom be established in our praises, as Your people lift Your might work.
Blessed be the Lord God almighty.
Who was and is and is to come.
Blessed be the Lord God almighty.
Who reigns forever more.
Let us all tune...
He is waiting for us at gates of heaven to welcome us in and to give us a Crown of Life and no one will be able to take away from us. Let us all bow down before His holy throne and adore His holy name. Blessed be His holy name now and forever more.
Holy, are You God almighty.
Worthy is the...
Light of the world You stepped down into darkness, open my eyes, let me see beauty that make this heart adore You. Hope of a life spend with You. I am here to worship You alone. Continue to be in the holy presence of Jesus who loves you and wants everyone of us to be in His glorious presence in...
All we have to do is to bow down before His holy presence and adore Him for ages to come. We cannot describe Him, His love and mercy is beyond description.
Jesus, my Lord and Savior....
You are beautiful beyond description.
Too marvelous for words.
Too wonderful for comprehention.
You deserve the glory and the honor Lord we lift our hands in worship as we lift Your holy name. Please continually pray that I will praise, honor and glorify the Lord with my life and in the middle of all my coworkers. May Gods name be glorified in my life and the life of those I share Jesus...
There is no one in the whole world to love us like Jesus. On Valentines Day I will remember the sacrifice Jesus did on the cross for His love to all of us who were heading to hells burning fire and now we are on our way to His glorious presence.
O Jesus, what a wonder You are.
You are so...
O the glory of Thy presence, we Your temple give You reverence so arise to Your rest and be blessed by our praise as we glory in Your embrace as your presence now fills this place. O God, please allow all of us to live in Your holy presence, giving thanks to You and glorifying Your holy name. I...
Let us all fast and pray before the Lord for those who in the middle of this awful earthquake in Turkey and Syria. Pray that everyone will come to know the Lord and be saved because we do not know when we are going to die. Early morning came to the earthquake, some were sleeping while others...
O God, I am coming to You as sweet offering to Your holy name. I am nothing but Thou art my all in all. I surrender all to You. You have given to me so many blessings I was not able to contain and I am grateful. From now on, I will forever honor, praise and glorify Your holy name for all...