holy presence

  1. Ginoh

    What Jerusalem means?

    A City of Peace. God loves this city. He has chosen this place to be holy and pure. He wanted the whole world to come in and worship the Lord. We must fast and pray daily for real peace come to this place. I want to visit this wonderful place but the rockets falling on them it makes my...
  2. Amberth

    Just as Jesus wept we are weeping.

    Our heart weeps for those who suffer, who are far away from the Lord and need the Lord in their hearts, minds and soul. Our dear Saviour said.... O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, how often I have longed to gather your children together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not...
  3. Brotherstyles

    Should we attend church this Sunday?

    I know some churches will not be open for fear of getting Covid. Pastors are preaching remote while other churches are open wearing face maks on, keeping the distance, washing hands, alcohol and gel at the door and asking Jesus to take away this virus that is making a lot of people so...
  4. Greeterdan

    Would you all please pray for our ...

    Would you all please pray for our midweek prayer service and bible study. Bring lost souls to our midst and may the holy presence of Jesus send healing, mercy and blessings to everyone. In Jesus name. Amen
  5. Greeterdan

    Who is your best friend?

    Search no more for anyone on earth to be your best friend. Jesus is our best Friend. He will never ever leave you nor forsake you. Blessing, honor and power be unto the Lord our God. His promises are all true. This true Friend of ours is someone who fills our heart with joy, peace...
  6. PastorGlenn

    I exalt Thee o Lord.

    All people of the living God should exalt, praise and adore Jesus, the Son of the living God. He gave His life for us and want us all in heaven above. I exalt Thee o Lord. Early in the morning I shall raise my voice to You. Your mercy and compassion will never ever pass away. I come to Your...
  7. Articles


    But now, by dying to what once bound us, we have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code. —Romans 7:6 NIV Key Thought We could not, and cannot, keep the law of God completely. Trying to be righteous when one failure...
  8. Audrette

    Our final and eternal destiny.

    Yesterday is gone from us forever. Our future is coming along and we must see it with hope in the promise Jesus has made to all of us who love Him with all our heart, mind and soul. I am going to prepare a place for you, that where I am you may be also. We embark on a new journey the day we...
  9. Urban

    A call from heaven.

    Jesus is calling each one of us to come to Him and be saved and being baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Then, the way to heavens gates will be paved with blessings coming from God. Hear the voice of the Lord. Come to Me and I will give you rest...
  10. GreeterMadelynn

    Pray for our church. Easter will be ...

    Pray for our church. Easter will be celebrated virtually and we want everyone to join in. May the holy presence of Jesus be with everyone who seeks the Lord with all their heart, mind and soul.
  11. BrotherAllen

    Thank you prayer warriors for praying for ...

    Thank you prayer warriors for praying for my feet. I could not walk at all and I do not have a cane. I call on the Lord to heal my feet and He did. Thank you again to all who prayed. Jesus is alive and well and He is answering prayers of everyone who needs help. May the holy presence of Jesus be...
  12. Berenice2

    Have no regrets in life.

    Jesus continues to make new things coming our way. Through trials and tribulations we go through, there comes the light at the end of the tunnel. Jesus the Light of the world will lead us all to our glorious home in heaven. That is where we belong and where we shall live eternally with God...
  13. RevHammers

    May the blessings of the Lord be ...

    May the blessings of the Lord be with everyone who writes on this site. May healing and mercy come to you and those you care. May the holy presence of Jesus fill your heart with joy. Let us all remember that this world is not our home, we are just passing through. Our real home is in heaven...
  14. Loren

    The harmony of heaven.

    Beautiful songs comes to our ears when we live in the holy presence of Jesus. The peace that passes all understanding fills our hearts. Let us all start our day with a song of praise to the Lord. He made heaven and earth and He is worthy of all praise. O come all ye faithful. Come let us...
  15. Norberth

    Beautiful hands of Jesus healing lepers.

    I put my life in Jesus hands, His touch will change everything. I put my soul in His holy presence as sweet offering to Him. I put everything I have into His hands and do whatever He wants to do. I put my spirit into His love and mercy. He will deliver me from the devils temptation. Healing and...
  16. Veronicah

    High and lifted up.

    What a beautiful vision Isaiah had. Jesus enthroned and full of glory. We need to have this experience in our own personal life. Jesus wants us to be happy and joyful till He comes back to earth to take us all home to heaven. I saw the Lord high and lifte up, seated on a throne, and the...
  17. Theresse

    The transfiguration of Jesus.

    What a beautiful sight to behold. What a wonderful experience to have in life. The disciples had that chance, to see Jesus being changed into a glorious presence full of glory speaking along with Moses and Elijah. And a voice from the cloud said. This is my Son whom I love, with Him I am...
  18. Xughirazi

    Thanksgiving and Guidance

    Please join me in prayer. Lord thank You for Your son Jesus Christ.Thank You for Your promises and Your Words of life. Father thank You for making us more than conquerors. Thank you for Your love, mercy, and grace. Father take complete control of our lives. Fill us with Your Holy Spirit. Father...
  19. Articles

    The Spirit's Work of Love

    [Epaphras is] the one who told us how thoroughly love had been worked into your lives by the Spirit. —Colossians 1:8 MESSAGE Key Thought Epaphras had told Paul about the Colossians' growth in Jesus. One vital element of this growth was their love for each other. Paul recognized that the power...
  20. Darnell

    Wonderful gift that comes from the Lord.

    Jesus wants the best for us. He want us all full of happiness, joy and peace. He has wonderful gifts for you and for me. 1. Love God without conditions or expecting something from Him. 2. Love others just as Jesus loved us. 3. Live without envy, be happy with what God has given you and be...
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