
  1. Anonymous

    Heavenly pls me that I will mature ...

    Heavenly pls me that I will mature in your anointing and that I can have tha fire of GOD in me. Pls cast out all demons all witchcraft all unclean spirits all hindrances all serpentines all vipers all anger all rage and all evil eye and all unrighteousness out of my heart and out of my life. I...
  2. Broken-b4-Jesus

    Heavenly Father, Lord my God, I ask ...

    Heavenly Father, Lord my God, I ask that you will move the hearts and minds of the court and prosecutor to have leniency and mercy and dismiss the charge against me. Father, you know my heart, mind, and my intentions and know that this serious charge is a technical crime with no victim. I have...
  3. Anonymous

    Heavenly not Pls forgive me of all ...

    Heavenly not Pls forgive me of all my sins. Pls remove all my sins. Pls that I will have a ride tonight. In JESUS precious name. AMEN.
  4. MLS74

    My son

    Please pray for my son. God knows the dire situation. Pray for his mind body and soul to be healed. Pray for a clear mind. Please heavenly father, your are our only Savior.
  5. Naefor

    I pray for housing settlement and change ...

    I pray for housing settlement and change of levels i have been in one place to an extent i have over stayed my welcome please Heavenly Father help me to stand on my own with your guidance in Jesus name Amen
  6. Bimnac

    Please pray for me I am going ...

    Please pray for me I am going to help people who are living under poor and needy families but why till today y got no received from the heavenly God, now I have trouble,if God willing me to help people then kindly provide me to help people.
  7. Whogyr

    Praise the Heavenly God Our Father Always. ...

    Praise the Heavenly God Our Father Always. Be Grounded infront of Father. Confess all sins. Lord is Listening each and every Prayer. Miracles are happening.
  8. Alauncourse

    Please Lord help our landlord to stop ...

    Please Lord help our landlord to stop harrasing us. He is an intimidating man but our God is bigger. Thank you Lord that we are moving soon. Praise Jesus for Everything. All things will work together for good for those who love the Lord. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the World...
  9. Alauncourse

    Please Lord help our landlord to stop ...

    Please Lord help our landlord to stop harrasing us. He is an intimidating man but our God is bigger. Thank you Lord that we are moving soon. Praise Jesus for Everything. All things will work together for good for those who love the Lord. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the World...
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