Dear Jesus, It has been extremely slow. I'm worried that we won't even have half of what we need. Please Lord. Please Heavenly Father. Help us. Let the registrations go up. Amen
Brothers and Sisters pray with me!
Heavenly Father, our God of mercy, we thank you for this prayer site and for another day to share Your Gospel. We stand together and we pray for all the members on this forum, along with our families and loved ones. We ask for Your forgiveness and that we...
Heavenly and most merciful father, I bless and honor your mighty name. I give you all the praise for you have done great things in my life and my families. And there is even greater to come. Jesus , I bend my knees before Your throne of grace, casting all my cares, my troubles, my work issues ...
Heavenly and most merciful father, I bless and honor your mighty name. I give you all the praise for you have done great things in my life. And there is even greater to come. Jehovah Shalom, I bend my knees before Your throne of grace, casting all my cares, my troubles, my doubts, my fears and...
Brothers and Sisters pray with me!
Heavenly Father, our God of mercy, we thank you for this prayer site and for another day to share Your Gospel. We stand together and we pray for all the members on this forum, along with our families and loved ones. We ask for Your forgiveness and that we...
Shalom my prayer request is for pray for George Stockstill and for his team for they have a mission on Syria.prayer for protection to them and May the LORD our GOD grant him a heavenly and divine protection and let the angels of the Lord be upon him.may the Lord our God reach him and cover and...
Heavenly I need Deliverance from all demons demons of witchcraft intrusive thoughts evil thoughts wicked thoughts lust adultery idolatry addictions sex addictions fornication uncleanness familiar spirits rebellion evil eye wickedness. Pls set me free. Pls uproot and destroy and put all this to...
Heavenly pls forgive me of all sins and pls atone me of all sins. Pls atone me of all unrighteousess. That I will be spotless and pure inside and out. Amen.
Heavenly pls uproot and crush and destroy and put to death all demonic activities. Satanic attacks spiritual attacks all evil eye wickedness witchcraft familiar spirits worldly living idolatry sin repetitive sin anger hatred bitterness resentment. Pls reset my brain. That I will no longer...
country: unknown
demonic activities
different town amen
evil eye wickedness witchcraft
living idolatry sin repetitive sin anger hatred bitterness resentment
rhode island
satanic attacks spiritual attacks
Heavenly pls uproot and crush and destroy and put to death all demonic activities. Satanic attacks spiritual attacks all evil eye wickedness witchcraft familiar spirits worldly living idolatry sin repetitive sin anger hatred bitterness resentment. Pls reset my brain. That I will no longer...
country: unknown
demonic activities
different town amen
evil eye wickedness witchcraft
living idolatry sin repetitive sin anger hatred bitterness resentment
rhode island
satanic attacks spiritual attacks
Heavenly pls help me that I will repent of all sins and that u will help me improve in any areas of my life I still need to improve. That I will stop sinning. Pls help me that I will stop living in the past and stop thinking if all those from my past . that I will not remember them anymore. And...
Heavenly pls help me that I will repent of all sins and that u will help me improve in any areas of my life I still need to improve. That I will stop sinning. Pls help me that I will stop living in the past and stop thinking if all those from my past . that I will not remember them anymore. And...
Dearest heavenly miraculous lord .
Thank you father for evrythng , thank you Lord for blessings me such a beautiful life, nature and mie family . I m so grateful nd blessed tat I m here praying to u early dis morng for ur kindness nd presence nd blessings in mie life.
Mie dear lovng jesus I love...
Heavenly pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all sins. That I will totally repent of all sins and have a heart of forgiveness. That I will forgive all those all that have wronged me. That i will have a heart of love. Amen.
Dearest heavenly miraculous lord, Thamk you for everything I have , thank you lord for blessing me dis beautiful day .. Thnaknyou lord mie loving father for blessing me beautiful parents nd family ..I m blessed nd grateful tat I m blessed to awake early nd write a prayer for mie lord. I m...
Heavenly pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all sins. Pls help me that I can move to Arlington TX soon. And rent an affordable apartment there. I rededicate my life to u this morning. Pls totally destroy and put to death all evil witchcraft evil eye mind games anger fits of anger...
Dear beloved,
Jesus send a good family
They booked the house now
Our God is so kind! So wounded full!
Thank you Thank you for your prayers!
Heavenly Lord bless you!
Heavenly pls forgive me of all sins and pls cleanse me of all sins. That I will totally repent and not sin anymore. That I will be in right standing with u at all times. Amen.
Heavenly pls forgive me of all sins. Pls cleanse me of all sins. That I will totally repent of all sins and not sin anymore. That I will have my attention on tha positive. That I will only think about righteous and holy things and heaven. That I will be offered a job at allsups near my home...
Dearest heavenly Lord, Praise the lord .. Thank you very much for this amazing day ..thnak for so much for everything I have till now . Lord I, am prayer here for to shift in new cottage home this year, please lord make a way to our family nd me shift our new place . Please bless me and mie...