Healthy teeth and dental flesh.
No inflammation, irritation, tooth cyst or tooth abscess, carrhies or plaque, in Jesus name, amen.
Perfectly aligned teeth.
The right thickness.
White shiny strong teeth.
Miracolous intervention of God: repairing of teeth and new miracle teeth where its safe or...
Healthy teeth and dental flesh.
No inflammation, irritation, tooth cyst or tooth abscess, carrhies or plaque, in Jesus name, amen.
Perfectly aligned teeth.
The right thickness.
White shiny strong teeth.
Miracolous intervention of God: repairing of teeth and new miracle teeth where its...
No unnecessary falling off of hair.
My hair thick and dense like it used to be. Strong and healthy hair and sculp and all organs and tissues connected to it. Vitamins and minerals compensated and alll needed substances. Hormons balanced. Amen.
White shiny strong whole healthy teeth.
I will...
Healthy teeth and dental flesh.
No cyst, absces, inflammation or swelling of any kind.
No carrhies or plaque.
All teeth healthy white shiny strong and whole.
Teeth fillings healthy white and detoxified.
I will keep all of my teeth.
New miracle teeth wherever its needed, amen.
Opened sinuses.
Healthy teeth and dental flesh.
No cysts or abscesses, pain, swellings, carrhies, plaque, any tooth decay in Jesus name.
Purification and detoxificaton of my mouth, stomach, dental flesh, teeth...
Healthy teeth and dental flesh.
No carrhies, no plaque, no pain, no swelling, no tooth cyst, no tooth abscess, no irritation, no inflammation, no infections, no toxins, viruses, harmful bacterias, no wounds from gastric acid.
In Jesus name.
White, whole, shiny, strong, repaired, renewed...
Healthy teeth and dental flesh.
No swelling/inflammation/pain in my dental flesh/face/jaw.
No tooth cyst or tooth abscess.
No carrhies, plaque.
I will keep all of my teeth in Jesus name, amen.
No pain, swelling, inflammation in my dental flesh/face/jaw, no tooth cysts, tooth abscesses, no carrhies, no plaque.
I rebuke any kind of tooth decay and generational sickness/curse.
Detoxified system.
Totaly healthy teeth and dental flesh.
Strong, white, shiny, whole, healthy, beautiful...
Healthy teeth and dental flesh.
No pain or swelling in my dental flesh./jaw, face.
No tooth cyst or tooth abscess.
No carrhies, plaque, no any trace of tooth decay.
I will keep all of my teeth in Jesus name, amen.
No inflammation, tooth cyst, tooth abscess, pain, carrhies, plaque or anything of the kind.
Healthy dental flesh.
White, shiny, strong, whole, repaired, regenerated healthy teeth and teeth fillings.
No toxins, no inflammations, no harmful bacteria.
Normal stomach acid. Healed all lines and everything dammaged in my mouth and gastrointestinal system from acid. Gastritis curse broken over me and my mother.
Healthy teeth and dental flesh. No carrhies, plaque, cyst, abscess, pain, inflammation, swelling in Jesus name. Everything in my mouth...
Normal gastric acid.
No wounds or swellings or inflammations on my lipps, in my mouth or in gastrointestinal system.
Healthy teeth and dental flesh.
Gratitude, fullfillement of the Holy spirit, joy, positive thinking.
Opened sinuses.
Normal stomach acid.
No gastritis.
No boiling in my stomach.
Good diggestion.
No pain in my teeth/dental flesh, jaw, mouth flesh, facial bones, or sinuses In Jesus name.
Healthy teeth and dental flesh.
No inflammation or infection anywhere in my body.
No pain in the area between...
No pain in my dental flesh, teeth, jaw, face, sinuses.
No pain in my lower back/spine and leggs.
No inflammation or infection anywhere in my body.
Helthy teeth and dental flesh.
Opened sinuses.