Strong dense thick voluminous luxuriant hair like it used to be couple years ago. (me)
Strong healthy beautiful nails. (me)
Healthy teeth and dental flesh. (me and my family)
Healthy eyes, excellent vision, clear vision, (especially near vision for me). (me and my family)
Special healing and...
STrong thick hairs, not thining, no falling off.
Dense strong beautiful luxuriant hair like it used to be.
Strong healthy nails. No dammages or splitting.
Excellent near and far vision.
Healthy eyes.
Clear vision, not blury because of humidity or possible blood pressure in eyes.
Normal stomach acid.
No pain or nausea in my stomach (or reflection pain).
Healthy teeth and dental flesh.
Excellent vision (nearsight, farsight), no blurry vision.
Healthy teeth and dental flesh.
Dental miracles in my mouth, whatever is needed.
Thick, not thin hairs.
No falling off (hormons, vitamins/minerals...whatever it is)
Hair dense, strong, healthy, voluminous, luxuriant, thick like it used to be couple years ago.
No premenopause symptoms...
Healthy teeth and dental flesh. No irritation, inflammations, swellings, abscesses, carrhies, plaque, tooth decay in Jesus name. Be removed and cast out into the sea. All dammages repaired.
Everything whole perfect and beautiful mouth.
Dental miracles in my mouth.
God my healer that...
Healthy teeth and dental flesh.
White shiny strong whole teeth.
Missing teeth growing new. (where its safe, nice or needed)
Devine miracle intervention.
No carrhies, plaque, abscess etc.
Miracolous devine angelic intervention in my mouth.
Everything healed and fixed what needs to be healed fixed and even created new, repaired, restored, regenerated, amen.
Completely new/renewed white shiny whole strong healthy teeth.
Healthy fresh dental flesh, amen.
Healthy teeth and dental flesh and mouth. (no carrhies, plaque, irritations, swellings, inflammations, cysts, abscess or similar)
Voluminous luxuriant dense hair (no falling off or thinning).
Nails strong and healthy. (no dammages, no fragility, no splitting)
Positive thinking and...
Please pray that any swelling on my left side of the face or clogged area (jaw, sinuses, ear, throat) will be unclogged, healthy and not irritated and not swallen in Jesus name.
No pain and no irritation.
Healthy stomach and healthy sinuses and healthy teeth and dental flesh.
Healthy eyes. Excellent 20/20 vision.
No blury but clear vision.
No cataract, glaucoma or any other eye desease.
Luxuriant voluminous dense hair like it used to be year ago.
No falling off.
Strong not fragile hairs.
Thick not thin hairs.
New miracle teeth growing wherever its safe and...
Healthy teeth and dental flesh.
No swelling, cyst, abscess, carrhies, plaque, inflammation, irritation...
White strong healthy perfeclty aligned beautiful teeth.
New miracle teeth wherever its needed and safe.
Healthy strong voluminous luxuriant thick dense hair like it used to be.
Voluminous luxuriant strong healthy hair(s).
No unnecessary or unhealthy falling off.
Healthy teeth and dental flesh.
Everything that is not of God in my mouth be removed in Jesus name.
Tooth pain relief: I'm suffering from tooth pain,gums There's cavity in my teeths Ipls pray for my healthy teeths so I could get relief from pain in the mighty name of lord Jesus.