great things

  1. cabelcher

    Pray house we are selling appraises

    We accepted an offer for our home that we are selling but it’s a va loan and lots more hoops to jump through. Please please pray it appraises for what they offered us or higher. Pray for the person who comes and sees our home to appraise it to think great things about it and give us the amount...
  2. Awivis


    You have shown me great things Lord. And given me a gift of discerment. I now face a demonic activity. Give me wisdom, courage and stregth to deal whit this situation. I know trough all the blessing and answers you have given me that you are whit me Lord and there is nothing thst can stand...
  3. Zellner

    Blessed be the name of the Lord ...

    Blessed be the name of the Lord our God. He has done great things for those we were praying specially those thousands of friends I have on line who has gotten saved and now are attending church services. May His name be blessed now and forever more. Amen
  4. AGAPE55

    Lord I pray you intervene in the lives of my sons and in the life of my niece Katherine

    Lord I pray your will be done in the lives of my son's Anthony and Chris and in the life of my niece Katherine. You know what's going on in their lives and you see everything. You know how they need you and where they need you. Lord I believe in you and I believe in your word and power. I...
  5. Anagniosyne

    Dear Jesus, help the baby sleep through ...

    Dear Jesus, help the baby sleep through the night. Help as all to not be sick, but to be healthy. Keep my kids safe,. Help me be strong and do great things, please open doors for me. I love you
  6. AGAPE55

    Lord hear my prayer for Hamoo

    Lord I pray for Ash's son Hamoo. I pray Lord God that you enter into his spirit and soften his hardened heart. Help him to see the errors of his ways and give him the desire to want to change for the better. Lord I pray that Hamoo finds passion in something that motivates him to work. Help...
  7. Trewewd

    Good morning,I urgently need u to pray ...

    Good morning,I urgently need u to pray for my brother who is seriously sick in the hospital. I got testimonies yesterday about how God is doing great things. I believe my brother's case can not be different.
  8. Angelfire23PH

    Financial Freedom

    My dear Lord God of the Universe! I thank you and worship you for all the great things you have afforded me, for saving me from my previous financial troubles, and for answering my prayers. Today, i wish and pray for financial freedom within the next 3 years, let me be free from loans and debt...
  9. The Encourager

    Today This Is For You

    I cannot make anyone change, do the right things, or make good choices. I can only pray for them and be responsible for the things I can change and the choices I make for my life. I must, I will, and I am going to leave everything in God’s hands. Great Things Happen in the Hands of God!
  10. Anonymous

    Lord Heal my anger, impatience, negative attitude, ...

    Lord Heal my anger, impatience, negative attitude, and negative thinking. I have been noticing it more and more and used to be very nice, friendly , and welcoming. Lord fill me with the holy spirits gifts and more. Heal my spirit and soul and being . Amen. Lord I pray I have a better family life...
  11. Iarilon

    Lord, my coworkers always attack me and ...

    Lord, my coworkers always attack me and how I do my work. They pick at every little thing I do. They talk to me rude , the look at me rude, they gossip about me and lie to other coworkers about me and the manager. I am tired of it and tired of this reoccurring in my life. A lot people gossiping...
  12. Anagniosyne

    Dear Lord, thank you for today, please ...

    Dear Lord, thank you for today, please be with me and help me to do great things. Thank you for your love. Give me your strength, peace, and wisdom. I trust you Lord and follow your guidance. Please watch over my kids, keep them healthy and safe and keep satan, his demons, and anyone looking to...
  13. Donny

    You do miracles so great.

    The Lord our God is mighty and powerful and can do wonders in our midst. He did it in the past and will continue to do great things for all of us who love Him with all our heart, mind and soul. There is no one else like Him, full of love, mercy and compassion who cares for you and for those...
  14. Flofnoth


    7/11 By praying Magnificat, join now with Mother Mary in praising God: My soul magnifies the Lord, And my spirit rejoices in God my savior, For he has regarded the low estate of his handmaiden. For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed; For he who is mighty has done...
  15. PastorGregory

    He deserves all the glory and all the praise.

    Coming out from a grateful heart, full of trust in His word and believing He will do great things in our life, we must raise our voice to Him in praise, adoration and worship because Jesus alone is worthy of all glory. When we lift our voice to Jesus. Never question why things happens in our...
  16. Antonn

    Call on to Him day and night.

    Jesus will hear from heaven, all our petitions will be answered when we are full of faith, believing He will do great things in our life. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shall be saved. I believe this with all of my heart.
  17. Farmington

    The eternal embrace of God.

    No matter what circumstances we are going through, there is Gods mercy and love coming our way. No matter our challenges or trials in our path, remember what promise Jesus has given to us. I will be with you always. Glory to the Lamb. For You are glorious and worthy to be praised. You...
  18. AGAPE55

    Lord I pray for your intervention in Anthony, Chris's and Katherine's life

    Lord I pray your will be done in the lives of my son's Anthony and Chris and in the life of my niece Katherine. You know what's going on in their lives and you see everything. You know how they need you and where they need you. Lord I believe in you and I believe in your word and power. I...
  19. AGAPE55

    Lord I pray you intervene in the lives of my son's and in my niece Katherine's life

    Lord I pray your will be done in the lives of my son's Anthony and Chris and in the life of my niece Katherine. You know what's going on in their lives and you see everything. You know how they need you and where they need you. Lord I believe in you and I believe in your word and power. I...
  20. Naveen Prashanth

    God is good, so thank him

    Psalm 118 1 Thank the Lord, because he is good. His faithful love will always be with us. 2 Israel's people must now say, ‘His faithful love will always be with us.’ 3 Aaron's family, the priests, must now say, ‘His faithful love will...
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