great things

  1. Angel Eyes

    Please Pray

    Father, I need for us to get past this together and move forward. We both did some not so great things, but I know we can overcome this. Please God, I need us to get past this and reconcile our relationship. Please put love in his heart for me. Please let his family be understanding. IJNIPA
  2. Angel Eyes

    Please Pray

    Father, I need for us to get past this together and move forward. We both did some not so great things, but I know we can overcome this. Please God, I need us to get past this and reconcile our relationship. Please put love in his heart for me. Please let his family be understanding. IJNIPA
  3. Angel Eyes

    Please Help

    Father, I need for us to get past this together and move forward. We both did some not so great things, but I know we can overcome this. Please God, I need us to get past this and reconcile our relationship. Please put love in his heart for me. Please let his family be understanding. IJNIPA
  4. fulloffaith

    God, You are the Way Maker and ...

    God, You are the Way Maker and Miracle Worker. Lord, You’ve done it in the past and I thank You that You’ll do it again. You are on the throne, fighting our battles and pushing back the forces of darkness. I declare: You are my Lord, God, and Savior. Make me and mold me into who you want me to...
  5. Angel Eyes

    Please Help

    Father, I need for us to get past this together and move forward. We both did some not so great things, but I know we can overcome this. Please God, I need us to get past this and reconcile our relationship. Please put love in his heart for me. Please let his family be understanding. IJNIPA
  6. fulloffaith

    God, You are the Way Maker and ...

    God, You are the Way Maker and Miracle Worker. Lord, You’ve done it in the past and I thank You that You’ll do it again. You are on the throne, fighting our battles and pushing back the forces of darkness. I declare: You are my Lord, God, and Savior. Make me and mold me into who you want me to...
  7. Angel Eyes

    Please Help

    Father, I need for us to get past this together and move forward. We both did some not so great things, but I know we can overcome this. Please God, I need us to get past this and reconcile our relationship. Please put love in his heart for me. Please let his family be understanding. IJNIPA
  8. Angel Eyes

    Please Help

    Father, I need for us to get past this together and move forward. We both did some not so great things, but I know we can overcome this. Please God, I need him to come home and reconcile our relationship. Please let his family be understanding. IJNIPA
  9. Kronenberg

    Now, let us all lift up our voice to Him.

    Our voice of praise to God almighty travels through the wind, through the clouds of heaven and through the sunrise of every morning. Great things He has done in our life and will wonders in the future if we are faithful till He call us home to heaven. Like scream into the mountains praises...
  10. fathadolli

    Father, thank You that You don’t expect ...

    Father, thank You that You don’t expect me to have a great faith that never doubts. Thank You that You see my mustard seed faith and that it is enough to make anything impossible. I believe that as I mix my faith with Your promises that You will ignite great things. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
  11. SongleaderCindy

    Forever exalted on high.

    Our dear Lord reigns in heaven for ages past and will reign in the future. We, as His dear children will continue to sing praises to His holy name because He alone is worthy of all glory. He is exalted the King is exalted on high. I will praise Him. He is exalted forever exalted on high. And...
  12. Articles

    Today's Verse - Luke 1:46 (KJV)

    And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, —Luke 1:46 (KJV) Thoughts on Today's Verse... While Mary's submission to God's will costs her in ways we can never imagine, for Jesus to come to life in the hearts of people today our attitude must be the same as her attitude was on this night of...
  13. Urbanowski

    Why should we praise the Lord?

    He has done great things in our life and the life of those we care, so He deserves all the glory, all the honor and all the praise now and forever more. Let us all bow down before His holy throne and sing.... He is exalted forever exalted on high. Amen
  14. BrotherDouglass

    Yielding to the will of the Father.

    This is really a wonderful experience we can have in life, yielding to His will and obeying His words. I am yielding to Your Spirit, I am walking in Your love... Jesus I adore Your holy name right now and will forevermore. Let Your glory fill this house. Let Your praises fill my heart. Let...
  15. AGAPE55

    Lord I pray for my son's Anthony and Chris

    Lord, God I pray for both my son's Anthony and Chris today. I pray you give them a spirit of discernment so that they can always be alert and rebuke the adversaries temptation and the temptations that exist in the world. Lord God I pray that you fill them with a spirit of peace, goodness and a...
  16. Articles

    Today's Verse - Job 37:5-6 (KJV)

    God thundereth marvellously with his voice; great things doeth he, which we cannot comprehend. For he saith to the snow, Be thou on the earth; likewise to the small rain, and to the great rain of his strength. —Job 37:5-6 (KJV) Thoughts on Today's Verse... Isn't that a beautiful phrase...
  17. SingerMonica

    I kneel before Thy holy throne.

    Jesus I adore Your holy name. I bow down before Thy holy presence. In song, in prayer I lift up my voice to You. Great things You have done on earth. You continue to do wonders in our life. Jesus I adore You. Jesus I lift up my voice to You. Jesus I love You with alll of my heart. I shall...
  18. natasha2

    Expecting only great things

    Every working day going to my job expecting only great things to happen to me, amen. Positivity, optimism, joy, good mood, happy healthy wealthy energy, vitality.
  19. Awivis


    Father God you have shown me a great things and great plan conserning me and her. I now pray you give us according to your will the resources we need to do the work. And that you will open doors no one else can. First ofcourse bring her heart fully to Christ. First your kingdom and then...
  20. BrotherAllen

    I shall never ever stop worshipping the Lord.

    He has done great things for those who love Him with all their heart. Even in old time and those days that were so dreary and dark, Jesus came along and He saved us, helped us and is guiding our steps towards heaven. My Comfort, My Shelter, Tower of Refuge to me. Let every breath and all that...
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