good sweet sleep

  1. natasha2

    No noise from neighbours, good sweet sleep, no pain

    No noise from neighbours. Late familly meeting. Loud talking. Good sweet sleep. No pain in the jaw or dental flesh.
  2. natasha2

    Sleep, teeth, stomach, skin

    Good sweet sleep tonight. 8 hours in the row. Catching up a sleep from previous nights. No pain in my teeth, dental flesh in the night. No boiling in my stomach. No dryness, itchiness, impurities of the skin.
  3. natasha2

    Lower back, Sleep, Ear drum, pms

    No pain in the lower back when i walk. Something is not right in that area. Good sweet sleep. No trembling of my ear drum. No pms and relaxed body.
  4. natasha2

    Noise neighbours, my sleep, health teeth

    No noise from neighbours. They talk to loud. Its midnight. I want to sleep. Good sweet sleep for me. No pain or inflammation especially in my dental flesh (teeth).
  5. natasha2

    Eardrum, blood pressure, dental flesh

    No trembling of my eardrum. No high blood pressure. Normal stomach acid. No inflammation in my dental flesh or any cyst or abscess. Good sweet sleep.
  6. natasha2

    Blood pressure, sleep

    No tension in my body. Normal blood pressure. Normal heart beat. Good sweet sleep whenever i lay down.
  7. natasha2

    Good sleep

    Good sweet sleep. No diggestive issues. Relaxed body. No feeling of bloating. No noise from neighbours.
  8. natasha2

    Health-teeth; good sleep; peace over neighbours

    Peace over my neighbours and my neighbourhood. No loud walking, talking or any kind of noise. Good sweet sleep. So that i can heal and work tomorrow. No possible pain, inflammation, swellings, irritations in my teeth, dental flesh, jaw, ear area etc. No unease or pain that is waking me up. Amen.
  9. natasha2

    Praise report and prayer request

    First of all i want to say big THANK YOU to all prayer warriours who pray for me for abscess/swelling in my dental flesh/jaw. It is a miracle, the swelling is smaller and there is practically no pain but only weird sensations common to inflammations in the throat and ear. Pain a bit as i...
  10. natasha2

    Pain, swelling - tooth; diarrhea; good sweet sleep

    No pain or inflammation in my tooth/teeth. No light swelling on my jaw. Good sweet sleep. Please no diarrhea. I must go to work.
  11. natasha2


    No feeling of fever. Normal stomach acid. Normal diggestion. No diarrhea. No pain in the jaw, teeth, dental flesh, espcially right side. No feeling of chills. Good sweet sleep. Normal heart beat.
  12. natasha2

    Please no noise!! Good night sleep!

    No noise from neighbours. Neighboursvnext door and upstairs started to make noose st the same time..probably attack of the devil. Its 11 pm i want to be able to get up early fpr a work. Please pray for a good sweet sleep. No nightmare or waking up or noise from nrighbours in Jesus name!!
  13. natasha2

    Good sleep; efficiency tomorrow

    Good sweet sleep tonight. Enough of sleep. No health issues or nervosity that will spoil my sleep. Tomorrow extreemely efficient in my online school classes (i am a teacher. Dilligent, successful respectful pupils. Extreemely efficient in my domestic work (cleaning, organizing, decluttering...
  14. natasha2

    Irritation, inflammation stomach, hand; sleep

    No irritation or inflammation of my stomach and gastrointestinal (lines). Gastritis. No irritation of the skin on my right hand. Probably from desinfectant. Good sweet sleep for me, catching up a sleep, now.
  15. natasha2

    Good sweet sleep

    Good sweet sleep. 8 hours. Thank you
  16. natasha2

    Pray for my phisical relief

    Weird sensations in my body, like tension, circulation not good, like some places hurt me, no specifique places (muscles all over the body, even my head and sinuses are not good). Please pray for relief and for good sweet sleep. I suppose its tension from gastritis.
  17. natasha2

    Noisy neighbours

    Please pray that my neighbours will go to sleep or go out. They are making noise and it is 4:30 am!! Pray for my good sweet sleep
  18. natasha2

    Neighbours noisy; my good sweet sleep

    My next door neighbours are doing something in their appartement, making noise. Its 4 am. PLease pray for them to go to sleep or go out. Also for me to have normal stomach acid and good sweet sleep.
  19. natasha2

    Very loud neighbours + sleep

    Please pray that my loud neighbours will stop being noisy. Family gathering. Also pray for my good sweet sleep, infact catching up a sleep that i miss. Rejuvenating and resotoring sleep. Thank you
  20. natasha2

    Good sleep, peace, silence

    Please pray that my neighbour will be peacefull not slamming with doors and walking very noisy. Also pray for my normal heart beat, normal blood pressure and good sweet sleep. Amen. Its 2 am.
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