My upstair neighbour makes terrible noise with slammimg wotj doors and similar.
Its 1 am.
Please pray that he wll go to sleep be quiet.
Pray that i sleep enough and have a good sweet sleep
No noise okease,
My upstair neighbour is really to loud.
I hear everything that he is doing, he likes to do it in a noisy way.
Pray also for my ghood sweet sleep.
And enough of sleep.
Normal breathing.
No sneezing and water out of the nose.
No irritation of any kind.
Good sweet sleep.
No tension or nervosity.
Waking up on time for work.
No noise in my neighbourhood.
No construction works or loud talking, loud meetings, loud tv, loud walking.
Me catching up a sleep.
Good sweet sleep.
At least 8 hours in the row.
Going to bed around 10 pm.
Total peace, silence, no noise in my neighbourhood, building and my area.
Good sweet sleep whenever i lay down to rest and sleep.
Catching up a sleep.
Overall health and peace in my body, mind, heart, soul.
No noise from neighbours. Loud music. Very loud talking. Good sweet sleep this night.
Clear vision. Excellent 20,/20 eyesight. No cataract, glaucoma or anything similar. For me.
Totaly healthy prostate gland for my father (85).
No swelling. No tumor, cancer or anything evil. Excellent medical...
Please pray that my neighbour will stop making terrible noise, slamming with doors and windows, walking like a bear through the appartement.
It is almost 4 am.
Please pray for my good sweet sleep and no acid reflux.
Good sweet sleep.
8 hours in the row.
No noise from neighbours or outside.
Voluminous luxuriant strong health thick hair.
No unnecessary falling off of hairs.
New hairs growing.
Not fragile but strong, not thin but thick hair.
All vitamins and substances present in my body.
Giood sweet sleep today and tonight.
Catching up a sleep. today and tonight.
No internal or external distractions (health issues, breathing, stomach, heart pulpitation, outside noise etc. )
Good sweet sleep wherever i lay down.
Enough of sleep always.
8 hours in the row. (at least at night)
Catching up a sleep today.
Healthy sleeping habits.
Self discipline and self control in sleeping.
Good sweet sleep.
Enough of sleep. (at least 8 hours in the row)-
No waking up becauise of health issues or any other internal or external cause.
Waking up healthy, joyful, full of energy and hope.
No nervositiy or any other physical symptom that prevents me to sleep well or to catch up a sleep.
No fear or pms causes.
Good sweet sleep.
Catching up a sleep.
No boiling or bloating.
Very good used time of this day.
Doing right things - no waisting time on wrong or unnecessary things.
Guidance of the Holy spirit.
Catching up a sleep.
Good sweet sleep.
No internal or external sleep disturbance or interruption.
Peace in my building, area.
Good sweet sleep.
At least 8 hours in the row.
Falling asleep before 11 pm.
No loud walking like a bear.
No loud talking or anything similar, amen.