Joy, positivity, optimism, fullfillement.
No heaviness or depression.
No gastritis.
No pain, inflammation or irritation in my stomach, mouth, dental flesh or on my lipps.
Please pray for me, I have been diagnosed with gastritis, there is persitant cough and stomach discomfort, I am appealing to God to correct the situation. Thanks, God bless you!
Father Lord, I am in distress, for the past two years my body has become my pain , please Lord heal my gastritis and severe acid reflux, Lord touch me so that I can have my life back as I used to before this sickness, I am trusting you for a miracle dear father, in Jesus name I've prayed, Amen 🙏.
Normal diggestion.
No diarrhea.
No stress.
Normal stomach acid.
No acid reflux, heart burn or gastritis.
Healed all possible ulcers, dammages, scars or wounds in gastrointestinal system. (if there are any or were)
Me being in total peace and satisfaction.
acid reflux heartburn
country: croatia
gastrointestinal system
normal digestion
normal stomach acid
possible ulcers
total peace
Dammaged (like wound) nail left thumb. Irritation. Healing.
STronger healthier nails.
No wounds in my mouth or irritation, pain, inflammation.
All wounds healed. Especially on the right side.
Biting and gastritis.
Guidance what to eat today to have good mood and good diggestion.
No problems with gastritis.
Lord, give me tonight good sweet sleep, i dont sleep very well for 2 nights.
Healed stomach.
No gastritis.
No boiling.
No acid reflux.
No heart burning.
No diarrhea.
No boiling.
No bloating.
Normal breathing.
Normal stomach acid.
Peace and healing in my stomach, amen.
No nausea, pain, stress or tension in my stomach.
Stomach completely relaxed and peaceful.
No nervosity, boiling, bloating in my stomach or anywhere else.
Normal stomach acid.
No gastritis.
No generational sickness.
Excellent diggestion.
Healing stomach.
Normal stomach acid.
No gastritis.
No nervosity or boiling or bloating of the stomach.
Excellent diggestion.
Excellent bacteria in my gastrointestinal system.
Normal stomach acid.
No feeling of nausea in my stomach.
Healed generational gastrointestinal issues.
Healed gastritis and all dammages in my organs, tubes, throat, mouth from stomach acid, amen.