
  1. natasha2

    Nervosity, boiling, pain in my stomach

    No nervosity or boiling in my stomach. No gastritis. No pain like the rock is in my stomach. No tension in my body.
  2. natasha2

    Health, no feeling of fever etc...

    Everything right with my body. No feeling of fever. No infalmmation in my body. No gastritis. No allergies. No possible virus. No itchiness in my throat. No tension or nervosity. COMPLETE HEALTH amen.
  3. Felothelia

    I am asking for healing as my ...

    I am asking for healing as my stomach got messed up 8 months ago from the delta covid. I had over 25 tests done and got a conoloscopy and an endoscopy and found out i have gastritis. Also got my gallbladder taken out a couple months ago. Seeing a natural doctor and he said my scar from the...
  4. natasha2

    Bloating, stomach acid...

    No bloating, normal stomach acid, good diggestion. No gastritis, no pms, no anxiety or other causes. Amen
  5. Selearen

    Please pray for my son. He's suffering ...

    Please pray for my son. He's suffering from headache and gastritis. And my family health and credit loan problems
  6. natasha2

    Healed peaceful stomach

    No pain in the stomach orgastrointestinal system No.inflammation. No feeling of boiling. No gastritis. Excellent diggestion Healed and peaceful stomach.
  7. natasha2

    Health, teeth, dental flesh, stomach

    Health of my teeth and dental flesh. Abscess to tooh. Health of my stomach. No gastritis or nervosity.
  8. natasha2

    No problems with swallowing

    No problems with swallowing, be it from tooth or from gastritis.
  9. natasha2

    No nervosity, tension, stress, stomach...fear, anxiety

    No nervosity of the stomach. No gastritis. No general nervosity, tension or stress. No fear or anxiety.
  10. natasha2

    Negative houghts, stomach

    No nervosity, stress or tension. No negative thoughts or predictions. No depression or any kind of oppression. Healed relaxed stomach. No gastritis.
  11. natasha2

    Stomach, gastritis, swallowing

    No problems with swallowing. Opened and healed sinuses. Normal stomach acid. No gastritis. No nervosity.
  12. natasha2

    Digestion, feeling of fever

    Feeling of fever. Normal diggestion. No gastritis. Normal heart beat. (not to fast) No nervosity. I have not slept well.
  13. natasha2

    Sinuses, stomach, pms, sleep

    Opened healed sinuses. Anything that is not right in and around sinuses to be fixed. Normal diggestion. Normal stomach acid. No gastritis. All discomfort in the area of sinuses, eyes, mouth, stomach to be gone in Jesus name. No pms. Relaxed healed body. Good sweet sleep.
  14. natasha2

    Stomach, relaxation

    Normal stomach acid. No gastritis. Relaxed stomach.
  15. natasha2

    Stomach acid...gastritis

    Normal stomach acid. No pain, unease, irritation, inflammation or nausea in my stomach No gastritis. Perfectly healed stomach.
  16. natasha2

    Normal stomach acid

    Normal stomach acid. No feeling of fever or weakness. No gastritis.
  17. natasha2

    Healed stomach

    Total health of my body. Especially stomach. No gastritis. Relaxed body. No nervosity or boiling in the stomach. Excellent healthy diggestion.
  18. natasha2

    Stomach, no inflammation or nervosity

    No inflammation or nervosity in my stomach. No gastritis in Jesus name.
  19. natasha2

    Health stomach

    Health of my stomach. Normal stomach acid. No gastritis, in Jesus name.
  20. natasha2

    Guidance in a gastric diet

    GUidance what to eat. Gastritis.
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