
  1. allie222


    Please help pj distance from jd. Help pj get off the computer and do something else instead of gaming.
  2. allie222

    Something else

    Help pj spend time with his family and friends and neighbors instead of gaming. Let him see there's other things to do
  3. allie222


    Help dc communicate with me and help us bond. Help pj find other things to do then gaming.
  4. allie222


    Help dc text me help us bond with each other. Let pj realize that gaming isn't healthy. Help him spend his free time doing other things.
  5. allie222

    Doing something else

    Please help pj do something else instead of gaming. Help him find other hobbies and interests. Help him distance himself from jd.
  6. allie222


    Help pj spend time with family and friends and neighbors instead of gaming. Help him see it's not healthy
  7. allie222


    Help pj spend time with his family and friends and neighbors instead of gaming. It's the weekend and beautiful outside
  8. allie222

    Doing something else

    Help pj realize that gaming isn't healthy. Help him find other hobbies and interests instead
  9. allie222

    Doing something else

    Please help pj realize that gaming isn't healthy. Help him do something else instead. Let him see there's other things to do
  10. allie222


    Please help pj get off the computer and do something else instead of gaming. Help him see it's not healthy. Help him go to bed earlier.
  11. allie222


    Help pj realize that gaming isn't healthy. Help him do other things instead. Help jd relax and not stress
  12. allie222


    Please help jd relax and stop stressing out about the papers. Help pj do something else instead of gaming
  13. allie222


    Please help pj realize that gaming isn't healthy. Help him not go on.
  14. allie222

    Doing something else

    Please help pj realize that gaming isn't healthy. Help him get off the computer.
  15. allie222

    Time together

    It's sunday help pj spend time with family and friends and neighbors instead of gaming. Help him see it's not healthy
  16. allie222


    Help pj spend time with family and friends and neighbors instead of gaming. Help him see it's not healthy playing video games
  17. allie222


    Praying for pj to spend time with family and friends and neighbors instead of gaming. Help him distance himself from jd
  18. allie222


    Help pj realize that gaming isn't healthy and find something else to. Help him distance himself from jd
  19. allie222


    Please help pj realize that gaming isn't healthy. Help him distance himself from jd.
  20. allie222


    Please help pj realize that gaming isn't healthy. Help him see it's there's more things to do instead. Help him distance himself from jd
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